Assembling a Crew

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H y p e r s p a c e

"Force user or no Force user, if Ezra's in that prison, we need to get him out," Sabine folded her arms determinedly.

"No arguments here," Ahsoka frowned thoughtfully, scrolling through the information on the datapad. "Only one problem: how are we going to get into this super secure Imperial prison?"

"We've managed harder things before," Sabine tried to stay positive, but at those words she felt her heart sink a little. Ahsoka was right. They were just two people. This wasn't the Ghost crew anymore, with Chopper to hack in, or Kanan to improvise the plan, or Hera to get them out of there at a moment's notice. She was alone.

"Alone." Sabine tried out the words. It felt weird on her lips, weird to say. She had never been truly alone before. She had always had someone, be it her family or Ketsu or the crew. 

Ahsoka turned her gaze to her. "You're not alone, Sabine. Ezra has many friends, and so do you. Like you said, you've pulled off harder things. So think."

Sabine looked up at the older Jedi, then gave a small nod. "We'll need a team to get into that prison. Preferably people with the skill sets we'll need."

"Which are?" Ahsoka prompted.

"Someone who knows Imperial protocol, access codes, the lot," Sabine's fingers drummed against her WESTAR-35s hanging from her holsters, a nervous and jumpy habit she'd picked up from the months alone in space. "People we can trust. People who can fight their way out."

"Have a crew in mind?" a smile grew on Ahsoka's face.

"A start," Sabine gave an affirming nod. 

"Then let's get Rogmi somewhere safe and go find your crew," Ahsoka handed Sabine the datapad. 

One step closer to Ezra. Sabine could feel it, could almost see him again. It hurt her to think of him rotting in an Imperial prison for all these years, but soon he'd be out. Soon she'd save him.

That is, if everything worked out.


M a n d a l o r e

To say that Tristan Wren was surprised would be stretching it. His sister showed up after a few years and the first thing out of her mouth?

"I need your help for a job." Sabine had changed a lot. Her hair was probably shorter than his, dyed purple. Her armor was painted differently than the last time he had her, which was to be expected from his sister. But she looked even more different than that. She seemed... mature. She had grown, not just physically but it felt like mentally as well.

"Hello to you too," Tristan folded his arms, fighting a smile. There was his sister, straight to the point. "How's Lothal been?"

"Dreadfully boring," Sabine grinned. "How's mom and dad?"

"They've been good." he hesitated. "Missed you."

"You did, or mom and dad did?" her grin turned to a smirk and Tristan shook his head.

"You said you needed my help?" he questioned. The grin fell quickly from her face.

"Its about Ezra," at those words, her demeanor changed. She looked serious, and it hit him yet again that she had matured so much.

"Bridger?" Tristan frowned. "I thought he was dead."

"He's not."

"So where do I come in?"

Sabine hesitated. "He's being held in an Imperial prison," she finally said.

"And you want me to help you break him out?" Tristan finished, and Sabine nodded her head.

"It won't be just us," his sister glanced next to her where an older Togruta stood quietly by her side, observing him. Tristan looked from the Togruta to Sabine.

"So... three of us instead of two of us?" Tristan hid another smile. His sister may have grown, but her plans were still insane.

"No," Sabine surprised him. Maybe she had changed. Or it was Ezra that changed her, that made her seem so serious. "This is a break that we can't pull off alone. This prison is top notch security. I'll fill you in on more of the details once we have the rest of the crew."

"The rest of the crew?" 

"If you want to meet them," Sabine offered him another smile now. "What do you say? One last time?" she offered a hand.

"That sounds ominous," but he clasped her hand with his. "If I break Bridger out, he'll owe me for life."

"That's the spirit," his sister laughed, and despite his misgivings Tristan decided that he had made the right choice.


D e e p  S p a c e

Jai Kell surveyed the supposed crew that Sabine Wren had recruited.

A Mandalorian boy with broad shoulders and a strong form was leaning against the wall of the ship, watching the others. Tristan Wren, Sabine's brother. Jai couldn't tell if he was thrilled to be here or not.

Perched on a few crates near him was a lithe Mandalorian female, though proper Mandalorian armor had been replaced by a Bounty Hunter's garb. This was Ketsu Onyo, apparently one of Sabine's friends.

Also on the crates, but far enough from Ketsu to feel like a safe distance, was a boy younger than the rest of them. He looked maybe just fifteen and was shifting nervously on the crates. Jai had never met him before but he had been introduced by Sabine as Vyi Torwyn. Soft patches of light green could be seen on his skin, making Jai think maybe he was half alien, though he wasn't sure what species.

Holding a datapad and standing nearby Sabine was a tall Togruta. Two Lightsaber hilts were strapped to her belt. Older than the rest of them, she was the infamous Ahsoka Tano, also known as rebel spy Fulcrum.

And finally Sabine Wren herself, whom Jai was the most familiar with. Jai was surprised that none of the other Ghost crew members were here, but perhaps there was a reason for that.

"The most you know is that you're here to help break a friend of mine and maybe yours out of prison," Sabine spoke. "None of you are obliged to help me and I won't stop anyone who wants to leave."

We're in space, Jai thought, too late for that.

"Alright, so Ezra Bridger is being held in a secure space prison in the territory of an Imperial remnant known as the Kalar Remnant," Sabine began. "That's all the information we have besides schematics of the prison we've obtained. We have no idea what's waiting for us there. We're going in blind and we won't have the Rebellion to back us up if things get hairy."

"I'm guessing you have a method to your madness?" Ketsu swung her legs idly back and forth, dull thumps sounding when her boots hit the crates. Vyi looked uncomfortable next to the restless Bounty Hunter.

"Well, I've got a plan," Sabine began. "And I need all of you to see it through."

"I'm in. For Ezra," Jai decided to be the first to speak. His friend had given up everything for Lothal only to be rotting in an Imperial prison. Its time to get him out.

Nobody else argued, so Sabine nodded. "Alright. Lets talk."

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