The Inquisitor

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thanks for sticking around this fic and its inconsistent update schedule hahaha y'all are great <3 and wow we're almost at 8k views??? *mini heart attack* thank you so much jdjdjd

we're starting to get to the climax of this fic! buckle up, it can only go downhill from here, right? *heheh*

also I'm considering adding sabezra to this fic. like I don't ship it at all but everybody here seems to be looking forward to it so just let me know if you'd love to see some sabezra here! <3

I m p e r i a l  P r i s o n    2 2 3 , f o u r t h  f l o o r  

Sabine freezes in her tracks. Ezra is on the ground near her, but suddenly time is slowing down and she can only stare.

She feels it too. The darkness. She's not Force sensitive like Ezra is, but even she can feel the utter wrongness of this prison level. The wrongness of the man staring back at her.

Can she even call it a man? His skin is so pale she almost mistakes it for grey in the shadows of the prison. His bright yellow eyes stand out against his skin. He's dressed in light armor, the Imperial insignia scratched out. And from him is darkness that swallows her whole and makes her cry out.

Then time resumes normally. Sabine gasped, putting a hand to her mouth, trying not to vomit. The man smiled. Cold. Full of ice and malice.

"Sabine Wren," he added, tilting his head.

"What are you?" Sabine's voice came out hoarse. 

"I am the Inquisitor," said the shadow of a man.

"No," Sabine whispered, "All the Inquisitors are dead. They're gone."

"Not all," he took a step forward, "One of them was locked away far before your rebellion took out the Death Star and its replacement. Locked away by someone jealous of his raw power and fearful of the darkness he held. This Inquisitor wasted away in a prison far out in space, cursing the Empire and all who wronged him. He grew more powerful in the darkness and dreamed of a day when he would have his vengeance. And now finally, finally, that day has come."

Sabine opened her mouth to scream as the Inquisitor's hand shot out. Ezra flew towards him, and the Inquisitor grabbed hold of his neck and held him there.

"Ezra Bridger," he sneered, "I felt your presence the moment you arrived here. The light keeping my shadows at bay. I wish I could say that my plan involved you, but it doesn't. Therefore, you die."

"Ezra!" Sabine's scream finally tore its way from her. "No!"

The Inquisitor laughed. "Today I extinguish two lights. One of them will go out and one of them will give way to the darkness."

The other Jedi, Sabine registered distantly.

The shadow of a man turned his smile to Sabine. "Do give thanks to Hera Syndulla for the use of her son."

Then it hits Sabine like a brick all at once. "JACEN!" she screams, because the Inquisitor has the two boys who mean the most to her here right now and his darkness is overpowering them all.

I m p e r i a l  P r i s o n  2 2 3 ,  h a n g a r   f l o o r   

"The hangar isn't opening," Jai said, "We're still on lock down."

Ahsoka stared out at the vast hangar bay crowded with escaped prisoners. Angry and full of the desire for revenge, the former convicts had easily overpowered whatever guards had been there. Now they were beginning to panic, seeing no escape in sight.

"We have to get them all under control," Ahsoka cursed to herself, "Can you reach Vyi and Sabine?"

"I can try," Jai nodded. He watched as the Togruta hurried away to try to calm all the prisoners as he reached for the com at his belt. "Hello? Sabine, come in."

No reply. Jai frowned, then tried Vyi. "Hey kid, how's the virus coming?"

Silence. Deadly silence. Jai fought back panic as he reattached his com to his belt and took off. No time to tell Ahsoka, he had to find Vyi before the whole operation came crashing down.



Then light. The light grows stronger, but then it begins to diminish. Its dying. Jacen feels it. 

He reaches out a hand. Tries to hear the voice.

"Hang in there kid, okay?"

Friendly. Cocky. Sure of itself. The voice tells him to hang on, but Jacen knows he can't anymore. The voice is dying. He's dying. The darkness suffocates all.

He won't let the light go out. He remembers his friends. Draws on memories of Zeb and Kallus, Hera and Chopper, Sabine and the voice. They give him strength. The light wraps around him and he feels it flowing through him. The Force. It tells him a name, and he screams it as he pushes out against the darkness.


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