Imperial Prison 223

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T h e  O u t e r  R i m

The Imperial shuttle emerged from Hyperspace and Sabine found herself staring at Imperial Prison 223. After all their planning, all their preparation... they were finally here. Ezra was in there. She was going to see him again.

But first they had to get there. She looked towards where Tristan and Vyi were piloting the ship, Ketsu standing behind Tristan's chair and leaning on it. 

"Imperial Shuttle, please transmit your clearance codes," the speaker crackled. Sabine swallowed hard. There were at least five Star Destroyers surrounding the prison and who knew how many more in the whole remnant. Every gun would be pointed at them if they got this wrong.

"Transmiting clearance codes," Vyi's voice was loud, clear, and confident. Sabine blinked in surprise. It was so different from the quiet, soft spoken boy she had gotten used to. After a few beats of horrible silence, there was a reply.

"Codes are correct. Please state your business."

"We are members of the Tristsuyi Remnant looking to join up with the Kalar Remnant instead," Vyi said with the air of an Imperial officer. If she didn't know him, Sabine would have never guessed he was a defector. 

"You may dock with Kalar's Star Destroyer," the voice replied. "The one closest to the prison. Stars know we need more recruits. Glad you're here."

Vyi ended the connection and let out a loud sigh of relief. Ketsu grinned cheerfully. "Not bad, kid."

"Everybody knows the plan from here, right?" Sabine whispered. "Tristan and Ketsu keep Kalar occupied. Ahsoka, Vyi, Jai and me will head over to the prison where Vyi will blend in with the technicians and get to the master switch. I'll get to Ezra's cell. Jai and Ahsoka will be waiting to escort all the prisoners to the docking bay where they'll steal the two biggest cruisers we can get. Vyi'll upload the virus and then you two get the prisoners out of there. Remember, as soon as you're clear, jump to Hyperspace. Don't worry about us, we'll be right behind you."

Jai and Ahsoka nodded.

"Tristan and Ketsu will join us as soon as they get away from Kalar," Sabine continued. 

"And that's where the fun begins," Ketsu grinned.

"Can't believe you two get the interesting part," Jai sighed, shaking his head.

"All that complaining I did was for nothing," Ketsu smirked over at him. "I'm getting just what I want."

"Docking with the Star Destroyer," Tristan interrupted. Sabine watched as their shuttle was swallowed up by the Destroyer, the port window filled with the gray of an Imperial docking bay. Tristan settled the ship down and as the engines cut out, he stood up, straightening his uniform.

The six turned to face each other. If everything went right, Kalar remnant wouldn't exist anymore and Ezra would be back. And if they failed... they'd never see each other again. Sabine looked around at these people she regarded as friends and even family.

"K'oyacyi," Tristan broke the silence.

"K'oyacyi," Sabine echoed quietly. The others nodded, even if some of them didn't know what it meant. Stay alive.

Just hold on a little longer, Ezra, we're coming.


"Warlord Kalar," the automatic doors to his office slid open. Adali stood there, hovering in the doorway.

Kalar looked up from his work and studied the halfbreed. "Admiral. What news? What's that Inquisitor up to these days?"

"He's hanging around in the prison," Adali approached his desk. Her stance was confident, she wasn't the fearful janitor he had recruited to his side anymore. "And there are a few people from a Tristsuyi Remnant here to talk to you about joining up."

"Really?" Kalar propped his elbow onto his desk, resting his head against his fist boredly. "Then by all means, bring them here."

She stood quiet for a moment, then burst out, "Are you not suspicious at all? I've never heard of a Tristsuyi remnant in my life. We're keeping tabs on all the other remnants-"

"It could easily be a smaller one we haven't heard of," Kalar smiled. "But of course I'm suspicious. I'd be suspicious even if it was a remnant we've known of. That's the reason there are remnants, Adali. Because Imperials were too prideful to unite under one leadership."

"Should we send them away then?" his admiral asked.

"No, no, of course not. After all, who could turn away new recruits?" his smile widened. "Keep Kiyfi on standby in the prison and alert that Inquisitor. Tell him that whatever he's doing can't be nearly as important as a fun opportunity as this."

"Yes, Warlord," Adali swiftly turned and left the room.

From the back shadows, Lyz said, "I'll go greet our new recruits."

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