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A/N: thank you all so so much for 700 followers and 4k views!!! Here's a chapter! (finally lol)

K a l a r ' s  S t a r  D e s t r o y e r , t h e  o u t e r  r i m 

Ketsu stepped off the ramp with Tristan in tow to find someone waiting to greet them. Instantly, she felt the bad vibes coming in droves from her.

A Togruta with orange skin, not in an Imperial uniform but in a black vest that ended above the midriff and black leggings. Two swords hung off her back, looking as if they belonged there. She had way too much eyeliner on, Ketsu considered, but it added to the 'scary' look. Two scars snakes their way across her exposed midriff. One of her Lekku ended halfway in a stump, looking like it had been cut off.

Tristan stood a little straighter, acting like a good Imperial. "Ma'am," he said, clearly unsure of her rank.

"You're our new members," the Togruta drawled, looking them over. "I'm Lyz, the one who does Warlord Kalar's dirty work. And you would be?"

Tristan cleared his throat. "I'm... Dan. This is Rose." Wow, you're really selling it.

(A/N: any memers out there someone please get this reference)

Lyz didn't show any suspicion if she felt any and instead started walking. "Warlord Kalar is waiting for you."

"Well, here we go," Tristan mumbled. Ketsu managed a nod before she followed him and Lyz into the heart of the enemy.


"Clear," Jai whispered, poking his head out before getting to his feet. Ketsu and Tristan were off to meet the infamous warlord, leaving him and the rest of their crew to get to the prison.

"Alright, space suits on," Sabine stretched nearby. This was the tricky part. 

The only way to get past the scanners and into the prison was to travel alone across the space between Kalar's Destroyer and the prison itself. With the help of Sabine's jetpacks and space suits they'd brought on board, if they could find an airlock they would do just that. But one wrong move would sent them hurtling into the vast, unforgiving void that was outerspace. Jai was definitely not not a fan of this part of the plan.

Jai grabbed his space suit from the pile and shrugged it on over his clothes. Around him, Vyi, Sabine, and Ahsoka were doing the same. He sealed it up and then picked up his helmet, waiting for the others to finish.

"Lets move," Sabine nodded once everybody was dressed. She turned to Vyi, who knew his way around a Star Destroyer the best.

"Closest airlock would be... this way," he said, before starting off, leaving the others to follow. Jai felt uneasy as they left the empty spaceport and crept into the dark hallways. They were trapped here. If anybody would find them, there would be no way out.

A few times they almost ran into Stormtrooper patrols, but Vyi changed course just in time. Finally they reached an airlock the directly overlooked the prison.

"They'll get notified that an airlock is being opened," Vyi said, pulling his code cylinder off his neck. "So I'll block the signal."

They waited in agonizing silence as he worked, plugging the cylinder in. Jai kept watch for any stormtroopers who might be rounding the corner this very moment. Finally Vyi said, "Done."

"Helmets on," Sabine said, and as soon as they were all in place, the airlock swished open without another warning.

Jai was knocked off his feet. Suddenly, he was flung out into the darkness of space, tumbling head over heel. He forced his breathing to calm as his heartrate picked up, quickly activating the jetpack to right himself.

Everybody else was floating nearby, the four of them in a small circle. "Alright," Sabine whispered. "This is it. Lets go."

She turned and the jetpack gave a soft hiss as it propelled her forward. Jai gritted his teeth, steeling himself, and then did the same. Ahsoka drifted on his left, Vyi to his right, as they followed the Mandalorian towards Imperial Prison 223, where Ezra Bridger would be waiting for them.

Then before he knew it, the crossing was over, and he thudded against the prison station. His gloved hands gripped at the wall, his feet securing himself to the wall. The others were nearby, clinging like spiders to the prison.

"Right, airlock's this way," Vyi's voice sounded over their private comm channel. His small form started off in a direction, one hand dragging across the prison, and Jai followed in the same manner. They reached the airlock and Jai waited as Vyi fumbled to get it open from the outside.

"As soon as we're in," Sabine whispered over the comm, "We move. We can't stop for anything. You move and you keep moving until the job's done and we're all safely out."

"May the Force be with us," Ahsoka said.

Jai wanted to add something heroic but before he could think of anything, the airlock door swished open, and they all filed into the prison. The door shut behind him and Jai fell, boots clanking a little too loudly against the ground as gravity secured its place.

He tossed his helmet off and stripped himself of the spacesuit, the others doing the same around him. Sabine tucked the gear into a corner, probably just hoping nobody would find it, then said, "Right. Jai, Ahsoka, lets move. Vyi, good luck."

The defected Imperial gave a small nod and Jai found himself nodding too. Then Sabine was running, and Ahsoka and Jai were following as Vyi slipped off the other way.

"There are three levels of the prison," Sabine hissed as they quietly raced forward. "Jai, take the bottom one. Ahsoka, the middle one. I'll get to the third one where Ezra is."

Prisoners were kept on each floor depending on the crime they committed. The most dangerous prisoners would be on the third level. Jai was almost glad he had floor one.

"As soon as the master switch triggers the doors, get everybody who'll listen to the docking bay," Sabine added. She slowed as they reached a lift. This would be where Sabine and Ahsoka left him, and he'd be continuing onward on his own.

"Good luck," was all he had to say to the girls as they stepped into the empty lift. 

Sabine was probably grinning under her helmet as she replied, "Thanks, you too." 

The doors slid shut, and he was alone.

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