Darkness (and Light to Meet It)

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I m p e r i a l  P r i s o n 2 2 3 ,  f o u r t h  f l o o r

A door burst open and a scream echoed through the interrogation level of Imperial Prison 223.


The Inquisitor dropped Ezra, staring at the boy who emerged from the doorway. Sabine stared too, stared in disbelief.

Jacen Syndulla stood on shaking legs, both hands outstretched. But there was something different about him, something ethereal, otherworldly. But Sabine didn't care because he was there and he was safe.

"Jacen!" she cried, diving past the shocked Inquisitor and dropping to her knees, pulling the boy into a hug. Jacen blinked, looked confused, then returned the hug.

"Sabine?" he asked, "Where's Ezra?"

"How-" the Mandalorian started in confusion, but Jacen pulled away and looked ahead.

"You are more powerful than I thought," the Inquisitor snapped out of his daze, "When you fall, you will be a glorious thing of darkness."

Jacen stared at Ezra on the ground then back at the Inquisitor. "You'll never win as long as there's light in a dark place."

"Shadows need light to exist," the Inquisitor hissed, "the stronger the light, the more powerful the shadows."

Darkness, and light to meet it.

Sabine could only watch as Jacen pushed out his hands again and sent the Inquisitor flying backwards. As if waking from some kind of spell, Ezra sat up, rubbing his head. He stared up at the boy and the boy stared back.

"Ezra?" Jacen asked quietly. 

"The dying light," Ezra returned. He furrowed his brow. "What happened?"

"I don't know," Sabine shook herself and forced herself to her feet. "We have to go, now."

"We have to destroy this place," Ezra stared up at Sabine, his blue eyes pleading. "Its too full of darkness. Its a horrible place." He looked frightened, and Sabine felt her heart hurt. What has he been through?

"We will, I promise," she helped him to her feet. "Jacen-"

"I know," he suddenly looks vulnerable, not anything like the otherworldly boy Sabine had seen before. "I want to go home."

"Then lets go," Sabine ushered them both towards the lift. The Inquisitor wasn't moving on the ground, but they could all hear his words and his darkness clawing at them as they tried to escape.

The stronger the light, the more powerful the shadows.

I m p e r i a l  P r i s o n  2 2 3 , h a n g a r  f l o o r

The lift rumbled to a stop, its doors swishing open. Supporting Ezra on one side and keeping Jacen close to her other, Sabine hurried out. "Come on. We're all regrouping in the hangar."

They reached the docking bay and were instantly met with chaos. Realization hit Sabine, the realization that the prison was still on lockdown and the former prisoners were beginning to panic and riot. Beside her, Ezra let out a soft groan, rubbing his temple.

"Chaos," he whispered, and Sabine slowly nodded.

"Sabine!" a familiar voice yelled. She turned to see Ahsoka running towards her.

"Ahsoka, I got Ezra, what's going-"

"Where's Jai?" the Togruta demanded.

"What?" Sabine blinked, frowning.

"Ahsoka?" Ezra looked up at her, but the Jedi ignored him.

"Sabine. Jai's gone," she said, "And I can't reach him."

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