Escape, part two

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A/N: sooooo if you haven't seen yet... I'm leaving Wattpad :P there's a whole notice on my announcement board, so I'm not going to repeat any of that here, but because it would be awful to leave y'all with an unfinished story, I'm going to complete it. There aren't many chapters left, it's basically almost over, so prepare for the deathfest!


"Ahsoka Tano," the man before her said.

Ahsoka paused as the sheer wave of darkness hit her like a punch to the gut. She had faced beings of darkness before: Sith Lords, Inquisitors, the whole like, but this one was different. Darker, somehow. So full of festering hatred that there was nothing human left.

"You feel it, don't you?" he asked, sensing her hesitation.

"I sense the same darkness I've defeated before in many like you," she answered, igniting her sabers. "I do not fear the dark."

"Maybe you should," a corner of his mouth turned upwards in a cold grin, then he struck, lashing out with a speed she was barely able to keep up with. She managed to deflect it at the last minute, the saber passing so close to her face she could feel the heat. 

"You are quick," the Inquisitor laughed, "But you are also old."

"Since when does being old mean I can't kick your butt?" Ahsoka raised an eyebrow and struck a blow of her own, which he easily deflected.

"Since today," he raised a hand and pushed out, sending her flying backwards. She hit the ground but quickly recovered, shoving herself to her feet.

Deep down, she knew he was right. She would not make it out of this alive. She could not defeat this creature of darkness in two minutes, no matter how kickass she was. 

He knew it too. "You don't mean to win. You just want to buy your friends time to escape. That is admirable."

"This new world belongs to the young," she grinned, "It's their time. I have lived my life, and if I have to die I wouldn't mind it being taking down some snotty Inquisitor."

"Then you underestimate what this snotty Inquisitor can do."

"Maybe, but I'd rather die than let you reach Jacen Syndulla," Ahsoka tightened her grip on her sabers. "So this is where we stand."

"So it is," he replied, then lunged forward again. A swipe to the left, a swipe to the right, Ahsoka nimbly jumped backward out of the way. But the attacks kept coming, swift and full of relentless energy. 

But there was no way Ahsoka was going to be taken down by this idiot, so she kept fighting.


As soon as the Star Destroyer started moving, Adali knew something was wrong. 

But instead of following her better instincts and running for the bridge, she ran for Kalar. She had to find him, she had to know he was okay.

He had to be okay.

She still remembered the day he found her like it was yesterday. Mopping the halls of the Star Destroyer, ignoring the laughter from passing Imperials. Even after the Death Star had fallen, they still ridiculed her, despite needing more hands on deck than ever before.

I need to leave, she found herself thinking. A rare excitement buzzed through her veins. I'm going to defect.

And then, "Adali Navarr?"

She looked up and found a human staring at her. Around her age, maybe a year older. Young, with dark hair and a handsome face and skin the color of rich toffee. But in those sharp green eyes, there was something dangerous. Deadly. 

He's going to hurt me, she thought, and instantly stepped back, gripping her broom tighter. 

That brought a smile to his face. "Relax," he told her, his voice calming and peaceful. "My name is Vorith Kalar. I'm in charge of this Destroyer now."

"What, and you wanted to make sure that your janitors were up to par?" she didn't fear the Empire now. I'm going to defect. They can't hurt me.

"This is just an example of the stupidity of the Empire," he only said, smile growing.

Her eyes had widened and looked around quickly. Open blasphemy? What if someone heard? But Kalar didn't look concerned at all.

"How would you like a job?" he asked next.

"A job?" she frowned, furrowing her brows.

"As my second. My admiral."

She laughed then, unable to believe it. "Don't kid with me. I won't be some fool to entertain you."

"I'm completely serious," his expressed changed to one of seriousness as he said the words. "Admial Adali Navarr. That's what you deserve to be, not some janitor. I want to rebuild the Empire to something strong, and I'm going to start with ending these stupid racist notions. Become my admiral, Adali. Help me make us great."

She stared at him, but only found truth in those green eyes. He's serious. He wants me to be an Admiral.

He held out a hand, and as if in a daze, Adali shook it. All thoughts of defecting left her head instantly. Help me make us great.


Ketsu wasn't about to wait around any longer. She glanced at Tristan and tried to signal him with her eyes. Time to act. We can take these guys.

But before she could do anything, a gunshot rang out and one of the troopers fell to the ground. Ketsu reacted instantly, lashing out at the one holding her. Tristan did too, slamming his guard into the wall.

Another gunshot, and another trooper fell. Ketsu turned her eyes down the hall and saw Jai Kell. Her spirits rose and she yelled, "Perfect timing!"

The three of them quickly finished the remaining guards, and Jai freed them of their restraints.

"What's going on? What's with the whole three minutes thing?" she demanded.

"We have to go. Right now." He only said, already turning back down the hall.

"What do you mean?" she demanded, quickly following him. Tristan was right on their heels.

"I mean we're all going to die in two minutes unless we hurry and get off this ship!" Jai snapped, breaking into a run.

That was all Ketsu needed to hear. She quickly raced passed him, her will to live kicking in. "Come on losers! Let's ditch this place!"

Thank goodness the hangar bay was close by. The three of them stumbled in and found chaos. Imperials of all sorts were fighting each other for ships, frantically trying to escape.

"Well, this is madness," Ketsu blinked. "I'm in!"

"Oh stars," Tristan moaned. "We're going to die."

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