The Star Destroyer

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I m p e r i a l  P r i s o n  2 2 3 , h a n g a r  f l o o r      

Sabine's comm went off and she scrambled to unhook it from her belt. 

"Sabine?" Jai's voice asked from the other end.

"Jai!" she practically shrieked, before recovering herself. "Where are you?!"

"No time to explain. The virus isn't happening, but Vyi and I are on our way to fix it. Just wait for my signal and then get everybody out of there," Jai replied. It sounded like he was running and breathing heavily. "Oh, and if I don't make it-"


"Tell Ezra I'm glad he's back," that was the last thing Jai said before the connection went out.

Sabine let out a short curse. Jacen looked up at her. "Sabine? What's going on?"

"Ahsoka!" she called. The Togruta turned to face her. "Jai contacted me. He said something about the virus being a flop but they're doing something else? Anyways, we've got to be ready to take off. We need to start loading everybody into the ships."

"Right," Ahsoka nodded. "I'll get on it."

"So who else is here?" asked Ezra.

"Uh, Tristan and Ketsu," she replied. 


"He came just to hold it over you," Sabine shrugged. Ezra let out a small chuckle, and she started to smile back but suddenly Jacen tugged on her hand.

"Sabine?" he whispered. "The darkness. Its coming closer."

"We need to hurry," Sabine mumbled. It was all up to Jai and Vyi now.


"How are we going to get back to the Star Destroyer?" Vyi asked, stumbling along.

"Same way we came," Jai shrugged. "We need to find our spacesuits and get jetpack our way over. The station is locked down, its the only way."

"Alright," Vyi glanced over at the older boy. "Do you remember where we put them?"

"Uh..." Jai trailed off, and Vyi shook his head.

"Follow me," the slicer took the lead.

They wove their way through the hallway, running as fast as they could. Finally Vyi halted in front of a corridor.

"Airlock's down there," he pointed. Sure enough, as the two boys reached the end, they found their spacesuits and jetpacks tucked away safely in the corner.

"Lets get moving then," Jai found his and began suiting up. Vyi hastened to follow his example, trying not to think about what would be waiting for them on the Star Destroyer.

"We can regroup with Tristan and Ketsu. They'll help us," Jai chatted while he picked up his helmet. Vyi listened absentmindedly, fishing his own helmet up off the floor.

"Alright," Vyi fastened it over his head and watched as Jai did the same. "Ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be," Jai shifted from foot to foot. "I really hate this."

Vyi opened the airlock and both of them were flung out. He was used to it by now, though, so he quickly righted himself. All around him was the silent expanse of space, an all consuming void. And then there was Jai, cursing as he floated upside down. Vyi shook his head and reached out, straightening the other boy.

"Thanks," Jai said, clearly embarrassed.

"Lets hurry," Vyi triggered his jetpack and started forward. Jai followed close behind him as they headed for the Star Destroyer looming nearby.

"Okay," Jai's voice crackled over the comms, "So I think now is a good time to talk about it. I think there's got to be another way. Nobody has to die-"

"Jai," Vyi said. "Lets just focus on getting there, okay?"

Jai stopped talking and they lapsed into silence as they approached Kalar's Destroyer. "Follow me," Vyi changed course, heading for the airlock. Jai drifted after him.

Vyi cut his pack as he bumped against the Destroyer's side. Jai hit it less gracefully, fumbling for a handhold. Once they were situated, they started making their way along the side towards the airlock.

Vyi scrambled to open it, his hands flying across the controls. With a soft hiss the doors swished open and he landed gently inside. Jai rocketed straight past him and hit a wall as the doors closed behind them.

"I hate jetpacks," Jai mumbled from the floor. Vyi shook his head and pulled his helmet off. They were safe on the Star Destroyer, though safe wasn't exactly a word that should be used in this scenario.

"Okay, lets go find Tristan and Ketsu," Jai began picking himself up.

"Find them and get off this Destroyer," Vyi shed his spacesuit. 

"What?" Jai looked up at him from the floor.

"Get them off. If this place is going to go boom, they'll die if they're on here. Find them and leave," Vyi repeated. He was already starting forward.

"While you do what?!" Jai yelled after him. "Kill yourself? No. We came here as a crew, we leave as a crew."

Vyi broke into a jog. "Vyi!" Jai yelled again, flinging his helmet to the ground and hurrying to his feet.

But he kept going. Someone wasn't going to make it back, and both him and Jai knew it.

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