Flesh Wounds

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Ketsu's leg burned as Sabine helped her to the medbay. The shuttle that Jai had stolen had docked with Sabine's craft and they were hurrying from one ship to the other.

"Sabine!" Tristan was waiting for them. "Are you-" he broke off as he saw Ketsu. "Ner Ka'ra," he cursed, quickly helping his sister with Ketsu.

"You don't have to look so terrified," Ketsu forced an eyeroll. In truth, her leg was killing her. Pain burned like fire on it and if she looked down she could see the black from the blaster mark.

"Ahsoka, plot course to the closest New Republic friendly hospital," Sabine called as they brought Ketsu into the small, modest medbay nestled into their ship. 

"Painkiller," Tristan said, mostly to himself, and went rooting through the cabinets as Sabine sat Ketsu down onto a medcot. The bounty hunter bit back a sarcastic reply and forced herself to wait and pretend the pain wasn't as bad as it was.

"I'm not out of the mission, right?" Ketsu asked. 

"Of course that's all you care about," Sabine rolled her eyes, masking worry. "Get better and we'll talk about it."

"Deal," Ketsu closed her eyes for a moment as Tristan came back over. She felt a needle prick her skin, ejecting the liquid painkiller into her body. The pain in her leg slowed to a throb.

She felt the ship rumble as it jumped to hyperspace. "We'll be there soon," Sabine mumbled.

"Good riddance," Ketsu grinned.

The rest of the crew was filing into the med bay now save Jai, who was still piloting the shuttle. Vyi, his green eyes filled with worry. Ahsoka, her arms folded, brows furrowed. 

"I'm fine," Ketsu waved a hand, dismissing their unspoken question. "As long as I don't lose a leg, I'm good."

"You won't," Sabine told her.

"Better not," Ketsu chuckled. Ahsoka left the now crowded medbay, giving them more space. Vyi shifted awkwardly, like he wasn't sure of his place here.

"I, uh, found more information on the prison," he said tentatively.

"I'll look it over with him," Tristan cut in before Sabine could say anything. The two boys exited the medbay, leaving Ketsu alone with her blood sister.

"cuyir kovid," Sabine murmured.

"Be strong? Honey, have you met me?" Ketsu raised an eyebrow. That earned a small laugh from Sabine, tension leaving her form. There we go.


S p a c e  H o s p i t a l ,  I n n e r  R i m

Sabine watched Ketsu breathing evenly through the window. They had rushed her to the space hospital and the med droids and doctors had quickly seen to her, sedating her and after their work, placing her inside a bacta tank.

"Give her a few hours, she'll be fine," the med droid told her. Sabine nodded. Thank the stars it wasn't anything too serious. Ketsu would be back in action before they knew it.

The droid left them alone in Ketsu's room, Sabine and her crew, minus Ahsoka who was staying back with both ships. Vyi was holding the datapad with the new information on, so Sabine took it from him.

"Alright, we've got new and better floor schematics, and more importantly a list of all the inmates," Sabine said. The wheels in her head were turning.

"Scheming face?" Tristan mumbled.

"Definitely," Jai agreed.

(A/N: if you get that reference I'll love you okay carry on)

"You're not actually..." Vyi caught on to her thought, his eyes wide.

"What am I missing?" Jai held up his hands.

"A mass breakout would be the perfect thing to cover our escape," a smile broke out on Sabine's face. Tristan raked a hand through his hair, shaking his head. Jai's jaw dropped.

"It'll be hard enough to get just Ezra out-" he started, but Sabine cut him off.

"Thanks to the schematics Vyi got, we know that there's a, say, master switch. It'll either lock down all cells in case of emergency..." she trailed off.

"Or, if we can rewire it, it'll open the door to every cell in the prison," Vyi finished her thought. 

"Can you do it?" she looked at the boy. He seemed to be the tech expert of the group so she hoped he had it in him.

Vyi gave one nod. "I can."

"Once all the prisoners are free of their cells, the prison will go on lockdown," Jai frowned. "We'll be trapping ourselves."

"We'll input the same virus into the prison's terminals as we did at the shipyard," Sabine said. "Just at a larger scale."

"But Vyi will need to be in two places at once to do that," Tristan scratched the back of his neck.

"How quickly can you get the prison cells open?" Sabine turned to face the boy. The halfbreed shifted.

"Ten minutes if we're being optimistic," he said. 

"From the master switch, the terminal room is here," Sabine pointed to a spot on the datapad's map. "Can you run fast?"

Vyi nodded.

"Then as soon as you get that master switch rewired, you make for the terminal room and get the virus uploaded. During that time, we'll get all the prisoners to the docking bay and ready to go," Sabine said.

"Then what? We just fly out of there, past Star Destroyers?" Tristan raised an eyebrow.

"Here's the fun part," Sabine grinned. "Who wants to surprise Hera by destroying an Imperial Remnant?"

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