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Word Count: 1158

"None of this actually matters, you are aware of that right?" Finn groaned, throwing his pen at the blank page in front of him. "They drill all this irrelevant stuff into our brains and wonder why we can't-" his words faded away as Millie lent back in her chair, admiring the small, bluebird perched on the kitchen window.

She watched it intently, as it hopped towards the lemon quarter left from the night before, smiling when it began to peck at it.

"Hello, Millie? Are you still there?" The abrupt rise of volume in Finn's voice caused the bird to fly away, making Millie frown.

"Yes, unfortunately," she sighed, glancing at Finn's page that now had question marks scattered across it. "Finn, have you even read the book?"

"No." He glared at the unamused girl, who was more than over his lack of effort. "I never read the books they tell us to, so why should I start now?"

Millie just about wanted to rip her hair out now, if Finn's mother didn't personally ask her to tutor him she wouldn't be, "because, Wolfhard, every other year you have just scraped the grades you needed to pass. The coach won't accept that, you need at least a 70% average in your marks. Need I remind you that I'm the one helping you stay on the football team?"

The smirk that was present on his face from her original frustration is now replaced with a frown, "well, you aren't helping me. You're helping my mother. But, you are right. I'm sorry, please teach me."

"It's fine, Finn," it wasn't. "It's Thursday, can you read it before I next tutor you? Does Monday sound okay? It's only like 96 pages, and you have the whole weekend." He nods slowly as if he's contemplating Millie's words, even though they both know it wasn't a question.

Millie sighed as she picked her school books up off of the dining table, wondering how she got stuck tutoring someone so different from her. Her feet trailed through the hallway in her and her mother's one story house. It was small, but it was their home.

"Dammit, Finn!" She cursed loudly as his copy of George Orwell's 'Animal Farm' was dumped on her desk with the rest of her school books. She contemplated calling him and telling him to drive back and get it, but she was over doing everything for him. So, instead, she just put it in her bag to take to school tomorrow.

"Millie?" Her mum, Winona's soft voice floated through the house, along with the sound of the front door closing behind her.

"Hey." She smiled warmly, as her mum's small body appeared in her doorway. "How was your day, mum?" Instead of a reply, Millie just received an exhausted smile from her mother, accompanied with a shrug of her shoulders.

Millie followed her mum into the kitchen, picking the lemon quarter off the window sill above the kitchen sink and throwing it in the bin. "Millie, did you tutor Finn today?" Even the mention of his name made Millie angry at his lack of effort.

"Well, I tried to tutor Finn today. I don't know why I even bother, it's not like he wants to learn." Millie groaned, slumping down on one of the stools at the kitchen bench.

"I know, Millie. I understand he's a handful sometimes, trust me, after knowing him for twelve years, I do. But, Cara is adamant about improving his grades." Winona looked intently at Millie, which she does often. It was like she was trying to read her, this is why Millie rarely lied to her mother - she would always figure it out.

Millie stared back at her mother, feeling guilty for complaining about her best friends son so often, "yeah, I understand that. Maybe I'll get through to him." Millie smiled, trying to lighten the mood.

Winona's face lit up at her daughter's comment, "and maybe you'll build a friendship," she responded, continuing before Millie could protest, "I know you think you're friends now, but hanging out with the same people and going to the same events but never actually speaking or spending time together otherwise, is not a friendship." She smiled, looking at Millie with a knowing look on her face. "You hungry?" Winona perked up, turning her back to Millie, who was lost in thought.

"I cannot even explain how infuriating it is, it's like he doesn't even want to learn." Millie's voice groans through the phone. Her voice raising as the sentence progresses, and she receives the occasional laugh and sounds signaling an understanding from her best friend on the other end of the line, "it's like he thinks I'm some terrible person who wants to ruin his life."

"I know, Mills, he is a difficult person but he knows that you want to help. He's just mad that the school won't let him play until his grades are up. Once he realises you will help him get back on the field, he will be more cooperative, trust me." Sadie may not be book smart, but she really was an intelligent person. She always knew what to say to make someone feel better without bringing others down.

Although, Millie sometimes worries that her best friend may tire herself out by always being there for others. "Thank you, Sads. You really do help to put things in perspective." Millie's small laugh follows her words, "thanks for listening to me rant for-" she pauses, pulling the phone from her ear and looking at the counting minutes of the call, "-exactly 42 minutes and 14 seconds. Gosh, has it really been that long?"

"Yeah, but I don't mind. It gives me a reason to not do this stupid English homework I don't understand, and never will."

"I'll stop now, though. Your turn." Millie smirks, rolling over and switching the ear her phone is pressed against, "how's Caleb?"

With that, Sadie's voice takes off, talking about the boy who she is crushing on, "he has just been so kind to me recently like I can't even pinpoint how but it's just the small things, you know?" Before Millie could respond, she kept talking. Millie just smiled at her enthusiastic friend, thrilled that she has someone who can make her feel special.

(A/N: Hey guys, this is the first proper chapter and I hope everyone likes it. I'm really excited for this, I haven't written a Wattpad book in literally years, so I made a new account and decided to pick it back up.

I'm not even joking when I say I've planned exactly what I want to happen in this book from start to finish, and what I want to happen in each chapter. I know, it will be at least 30 chapters. I literally have a 4000 word, 9 page summary of it. But any of this could be subjected to change!

All feedback is appreciated, good or bad.

All the love,
A xx

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