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Word Count: 1809

Millie's eyes remained glued to the work on the board at the front of the classroom, as she jotted down endless notes on some theorist who was cursed with the name Erik Erikson. Sometimes, she absolutely adored Social Studies and other times she despised it.

The redhead next to her, however, absolutely loved this subject. After drama class, it was her best subject. Sometimes she needed a little push from Millie, but after that, she understands it perfectly.

"Millie," Sadie whispered to the girl who was focused on what the teacher at the front of the classroom was saying. Millie hesitantly turned her head to face the girl next to her, raising her eyebrows. "Sorry, I was just going to ask what-"

"Sink, Brown! Quit your talking, there are literally two or three minutes left in this class." The girls giggled quietly at the woman who was refraining from screaming at the two chatterboxes.

Millie put her pen down, knowing she'd lost focus now and wouldn't be able to write any good notes in the small time remaining of the class. Her eyes narrowed at the clock above the board, watching it closely as the seconds went by.

Her mind had drifted away from the class, and she was deep in thought and far, far away from this school. Sadie's fingers snapping in front of her eyes as she closed her books brought her out of her daydream, "nice to have you back, Mills. Let's get out of here."

"Huh?" Millie questioned as she packed her things into her bag, putting it on before following Sadie out of the classroom.

"Well, do you want to hang out or do you have something on? I'm so bored at the moment, Millie. I feel like everyone is busy." She whined, stopping at her locker to put her books away.

Millie leaned against the locker beside her, "I would love to, Sads. But I'm tutoring Finn at the library-"

"Finn?" Sadie gasped, dramatically which caused Millie to roll her eyes at her. "You guys made up? When you guys left the party the other night you looked like you were gonna behead him."

"Really, Sadie? Behead him?" Millie chuckled, causing Sadie to laugh small, "but, he did apologize the other night. Which was a bit random and unexpected, but I'm glad."

"Well, I'm glad you guys came to your senses," Sadie spoke as they began to walk out of the school.

"You don't seem surprised, why?" Millie interrogated, eyeing Sadie suspiciously.

Sadie stopped walking momentarily, causing someone to nearly walk straight into her. "I mean, I kinda had a go at him before the party." Millie's eyes went wide as she started to assume the worst, "no, don't stress. It wasn't that bad. Just, like... I told him to stop being stubborn and stuff. He didn't say anything at the time, though. Sorry, Millie. I know it wasn't my place. I just had to do something." She smiled at Millie, and she did really look apologetic.

"It's okay, really." She returned the warm gesture.

"Hey!" Finn interrupted, appearing beside Millie and making her jump slightly. "What are you guys talking about?"

Millie was trying to come up with something, anything other than the truth. Luckily, she had a charismatic and quick thinking best friend who didn't even hesitate before saying, "oh, just me complaining about this stupid play I'm doing in drama." She smiled at the boy who nodded, not doubting for a second that that was the truth. "Anyway, bye guys! Happy studying!"

Millie's eyes that were previously stuck to her feet on the ground slowly lifted up to meet the dark-haired boy in front of her, who was already looking at her with a small smile, "library?" He questioned.

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