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Word count: 1239

It had been four days since the kiss, and Millie hadn't heard from Finn. Aside from him canceling the study session they were meant to have Sunday. After they pulled apart and returned back to their work, Finn had started to wonder if what he did was a good idea. Did he really like Millie? Did he just completely jeopardize the perfect friendship they had going?

Millie noticed a change in his attitude but didn't think much of it, after all, he had been feeling anxious prior to their kiss. The kiss. The memory of it made Millie feel fuzzy inside, she thought it was great and didn't regret it; that was until Finn started acting weird and dodging her few texts. This reminder instantly replaces the fuzzy feeling with confusion and anxiety, every time it crosses her mind.

She didn't understand why he'd been so cold and absent since the kiss that he initiated, he even asked for her permission so she didn't understand. She'd only told Sadie, who thought it was wonderful and squealed through the phone when she heard, piercing Millie's ears.

Now, however, as Millie walked with Sadie into school Tuesday morning she could sense the frustration radiating off of Sadie. "I just don't get him, Millie. It's not fair. You can't just kiss someone and then ignore them for days!" She groaned, angry at how Finn was acting.

Millie shushed her, looking around to make sure no one heard her small outburst, "yeah, it's pretty annoying." Millie sighed, her voice at a much lower volume than Sadie's was. "I might try to talk to him today and ask what's wrong with him." She huffed, not liking the idea.

"Yeah you better, the little shit can't keep this up," Sadie mumbled, knowing she can't interfere like she did last time.

The day had dragged on, Millie felt like she'd been in classes for an entire week and couldn't feel more relieved when the lunch bell rang. She rushed out of the classroom, wanting to find Finn and talk to him in this break. She hadn't seen him all day and even when she wasn't thinking about the situation, she still had a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach.

She walked into the cafeteria, her eyes landing on the dark-haired boy sitting at their usual table, with Gaten and Sadie. Her feet carried her towards the table like they do every day, but instead of sitting down she tapped Finn on the shoulder. His head turned and the smile fell from his face as he saw Millie, her lips pressed into a thin line and only opening for her to say, "I need to talk to you," bluntly before turning around and walking out into the hallway. She knew he'd follow, he has many good qualities but when it came to Millie, bravery wasn't one of them. She'd always been the bossy one out of the two and he never dared to challenge her.

She pushed through the cafeteria doors, waiting in the hallway for Finn who appeared moments after. "Millie-"

"What're you playing at?" She queried, the hurt she'd bottled up was beginning to pour out. "I just don't understand." The last part came out as a whisper and Finn's stomach dropped at her vulnerability.

He'd expected her to be mad, but seeing her hurt broke his heart, "I just, I don't know what came over me," he reasoned, avoiding eye contact. "You were just being so kind, and I don't know... I guess my emotions just got the better of me." He defended, still refusing to look her in the eye.

Millie didn't know what to say, she was beginning to think she had feelings for him and he felt the same, and now he's saying he doesn't? It hurt. "Okay? So that's it?" She croaked, not sure what to say. Silence.

A shaky scoff left her mouth as she walked past him and started heading towards the doors, but he grabbed her arm turning her around to face him.

"I'm really sorry, Mills. I messed up, but I really just want us to be friends." He pleaded.

Millie gulped, forcing a smile and nodding her head despite the sick feeling in her stomach. "It's okay," she lied, "friends it is." As soon as she turned around her smile had faded.

Finn, who was walking behind her felt more confused than ever, if he just wanted to be friends with her, why does he feel so awful?

"You're an idiot," Sadie spat, "a damn idiot, Finn." Her eyes remained focused on the road in front of her, rather than the boy sitting in the passenger seat of her car.

Finn rolled his eyes, running a hand through his tangled curls, "I think I made the right decision, actually."

"Are you in Africa?" Sadie questioned, her voice exasperated.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Finn laughed, turning to look at the girl behind the wheel. "No?"

"Well, you could've fooled me," she paused, her lips twitching upwards, "because you Finn, are in denial." He groaned, placing his head in his hands, "get it? In denial, in the Nile?"

"Really, Sadie?" He fought the smile that was creeping its way onto his face.

Sadie smiled, proud of her joke. After a minute of silence she piped up, "I'm still mad at you."

Finn contemplated his next words, knowing that Sadie was like a bomb that could explode at any minute. She was great and he loved her to bits, but she had a temper and if what he said next made her mad, it is undeniable that she would pull over and kick him out of the car. "Would you rather me give it a shot with her and then ruin her when I get cold feet?"

"Ha!" She cackled, "so you do like her! I knew it!" She shouted in victory.

"No, I don't." Finn lied, he knew he was lying and that's why he faced the other way. When Finn lies, it shows. But in his own deranged point of view, he was doing the right thing.

Sadie's slim, pale fingers tapping on the steering was the only sound to be hard in the silent car. Finn didn't dare to speak, knowing that Sadie had had enough of his shit for one afternoon. He just complained, self-loathed and then denied any feelings.

All weekend he'd stayed home doing nothing, he just thought about everything he'd messed up. They were in such a good place and he had to go ruin it by kissing her, but she was just being so kind and loving, and she looked so beautiful was all he could think, constantly excusing himself. He was really angry at himself for ruining the perfect friendship they'd established and she was probably not going to want to tutor him anymore, and honestly, he wouldn't blame her if that was the case.

Sadie pulled up at his house, stopping the car whilst her gaze remained in front of her. "Thanks for the lift, Sadie."

She managed to offer a fake smile, "no problem, dumbass." She turned to face him. She really did love Finn, but he was just so idiotic sometimes. This was one of those times. Finn hopped out of the car and just as he was about to close the door, Sadie spoke up, "please Finn, just reconsider your decision. Stop worrying about what could go wrong and start thinking about what could go right."

With that she drove off, leaving Finn with advice that sounded almost identical to what he'd told Caleb the week before.


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