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Word Count: 1526

Finn stared at the bottles of milk in the supermarket fridge, forgetting what kind his mum asked him to get. "Why are there so many kinds of milk?" Finn groaned quietly to himself, looking around to see if anyone heard. His eyes met with a pair of blues ones.

"Talking to yourself, are you?" Sadie smirked, reaching for the bottle of milk her mother also asked her to get.

Finn rolled his eyes, picking up a bottle of full cream and hoping for the best. "I must be blessed for the stars to have aligned so that I'd run into you also getting milk." He teased and Sadie hit his arm, her mouth having a hint of a smile.

"Well, I'd say you're lucky that it was me who heard you talking to yourself and not someone else." She fired back as the two walked down the aisle and to the checkout. "I'd ask you if you were going to that party tonight, but I already know the answer would be yes," Sadie spoke after the two had paid and walked outside.

Finn scoffed, "am I really that predictable?" He asked, received a nod from Sadie. "Well, Sadie. Are you going?"

"Yeah, I am. I think I also convinced Millie to come." Sadie beamed, happy she'd have her best friend there to keep her sane. Finn frowned, his eyes shifting to his feet. "Really, Finn? Can't you just apologize to her and get over it?" Sadie snapped at the boy, whose head turned up to look at her.

"I will apologize, but I just don't want her to think she can patronize me anymore. She did insult me first." He whined, sounding like a child and Sadie was about to scold him for being so immature, but he spoke first, "but I will apologize, and I hope she forgives me. Surprisingly, I've missed having her around these past few days and I'm also screwed for this English test next week."

Sadie smiled at the boy, happy that her friends were going to finally make up, "good. Well, Wolfhard, I'll see you later." She spoke, walking back towards her car and saluting him.

Finn laughed as he dug his keys out of his wallet and made his way to the car, milk bottle in his hand.

Millie's eyes narrowed at the eyeshadow palette sitting on her dresser. She gripped the edge of the wooden draws, glancing back at her desk covered with her weekend homework. To go to the party Sadie is begging her to, or to stay home? She really didn't want to go but at the same time, this is her senior year and wouldn't she regret it if she didn't spend time with her friends? Plus Sadie really wants her there.

But then there's Finn. Millie knew she had to apologize because he won't, but she wasn't planning on having to see him until Monday. Instead of having a few days, she now had a few hours. Would he accept her apology? Would he apologize? There was an anxious feeling in Millie's stomach that wouldn't go away.

She sighed deeply before reaching for my makeup brush and getting to work, she can always leave the party if anything awful happens.

Once she'd finished, she mentally cursed herself for not choosing an outfit first, "everyone knows it's easier to match your makeup to your clothes than it is to match your clothes to your makeup," she mumbled to herself whilst digging through her draws. She didn't wear makeup often and this reminded her of why she doesn't do it as much anymore - it's uncomfortable.

A smile replaced the frown that was on Millie's face as she pulled out a light navy ribbed shirt, the sleeves were off the shoulder and it matched the brown makeup on her eyes. Paired with black jeans and a black denim jacket with wool lining inside - it will also keep her warm. She wasn't going to freeze just to look appealing.

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