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Word Count: 1669

"Okay, Millie. I have something to tell you." Sadie abruptly broke the silence between the two as they walked to their class. "Well, not really to tell you but more to talk to you about."

Millie nodded in confirmation, nerves building up in her stomach. She didn't think it would be about her but she still worried that she may have done something wrong. "What's up, Sadie?" Millie's voice was steady and warm, disguising her uncertainty.

Sadie's eyes remained on the hall in front of them even as she began to speak, "I think I want to apply for Julliard." Sadie inhaled sharply afterward, being the first time she'd said it out loud, let alone mentioned it to anyone else.

Relief washed over Millie, she was glad it wasn't something she'd unintentionally done wrong. Her first instinct was to encourage her friend, and she had no doubt that Sadie could get in if that was what she really wanted. Sadie was incredibly talented when it came to performing arts and Millie would be shocked if she didn't at least get an audition. "You should do it, Sadie," Millie reassured her as they entered the classroom. They were a few minutes early so only a few other people were in the room. "It's worth a shot, and I think you'd really regret it if you at least didn't give it a try." Millie knew Sadie well enough to not say something along the lines of 'I know you'll get in, you're amazing' because it made her feel pressured.

As soon as the two sat down at their respective desks beside one another, Sadie started to nervously tap her hand on the desk. "I'm just so terrified," she murmured so only Millie could hear. "Also, I know you wouldn't but please don't tell anyone." Sadie requested vulnerably. Millie smiled in response, reassuring the girl that she wouldn't tell anyone.

The class still hadn't started, Millie glancing at the clock on the wall and realizing they were a lot earlier to class than they'd thought. Despite there not being many people in the room still, the volume of Millie's voice was low when she spoke to her red-haired friend, "I honestly have no idea what I want to do when I leave school. Everyone seems to have it all mapped out and I'm clueless." After speaking Millie realized that she hadn't actually spoken to many people about this topic, so she honestly didn't know if people had it worked out or not.

"You should be a teacher, I mean you've literally saved Finn's grades." Sadie laughed light-heartedly, although there was some truth behind her comment. She did think Millie would be a good teacher, and even Millie was considering the option. She laughed along with Sadie and shook the thoughts from her head, "seriously though, Millie. I wouldn't worry too much about it. It'll come to you when you know what you really want to do."

"Yeah, hopefully before I'm fifty." She joked, turning her body to face the front as the second bell rang and everyone flooded into the classroom.


The sound of Millie's phone ringing interrupts the song she was playing, causing a groan to escape her lips as she reaches for it and answers before checking the caller ID. More than anything, she just wanted to end the annoying ringtone. She'd never gotten around to changing it from the default iPhone ringtone it started with.

"Hello?" Millie questioned in anticipation, awaiting a response from the person on the other end of the line.

"Hey, Millie." Finn's voice was clear through the phone, "what're you up to?"

Millie walked over to her bedroom window as he spoke, looking out into the empty driveway. Her mom had gone out and taken the car, Millie wasn't too sure where she'd gone or when she'd be back. "Hey, Finn. If you're calling to ask me to pick you up from somewhere I don't actually have the car tonight..." Her voice trailed off, feeling guilty despite it being out of her control.

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