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(Not proof read)

Word Count:1374

"I just don't get it, why won't you tell me what he said?" Sadie groaned whilst throwing her car keys on Millie's desk. "Like, I guess I respect your choice not to— actually, no I don't." She whined flailing her arms about like a child.

Millie just laughed small, gently shaking her head. It's not that she didn't trust Sadie, God no. It's just that it was a small bicker blown out of proportion by both Finn and Millie and she was somewhat ashamed of the drama that had emerged from it. She knew that Sadie would scoff and tell her that her and Finn's friendship deserved better or something.

Millie's bed sunk beside her due to Sadie flopping down beside her, staring up at the ceiling, "you trust me, right?" Sadie inhaled sharply once the words left her pink lips, trying her best to keep her eyes facing towards the roof.

A small sigh escaped Millie's lips as a wave of guilt washed over her, "of course I do, Sadie." Finally, Sadie turned her head to make eye contact with the brunette.

"Really?" She frowned, furrowing her red eyebrows, "because of late it hasn't seemed that way. I feel like you've been keeping things from me. You know I'd never repeat anything you told me to anyone, right? Not Caleb and definitely not Finn." Her head snapped upwards again, having an anxious feeling forming in her stomach.

Millie knew Sadie was right. She had been distant recently, however, she still trusted her. The small teen's body turned on its side to face her red-headed best friend, "I trust you." She bit her bottom lip as she searched for the words to explain herself, "I just... you know when you're ashamed of how you feel about something so much that the thought of saying it out loud just seems so... ludicrous?" Her words were slow and careful, wanting to make sure they came across the right way.

There was silence and no movement for a few seconds before Sadie shifted her body to mirror Millie's position, nodding her head slightly and mumbling softly, "yeah."

There was an uncomfortable lump in Millie's throat as she forced the next words out, hoping that didn't come out as pathetic as they sounded in her head, "I hate not having Finn in my life." Despite the sadness inside her, no tears threatened to spill. Likely due to how many had in the weeks prior. "It's dumb, I know. But I've been so upset these past few weeks, you know? Like I've known him for as long as I remember and not having him around is harder than I could've ever imagined." Millie let out a breath she hadn't even realized she was holding as Sadie grabbed her hand.

The pale girl's hand was warm and it relaxed Millie, reminding her that she wasn't as alone as she actually felt, "I get it, Millie. It's a security thing, and I also think that losing a friendship like yours and Finns' over this would be awful." Her voice was soothing and sweet, making Millie remember why she trusts her and should've told her weeks ago.

Millie smiled, tears threatening to spill solely from the kind words spoken by her best friend. It was reassuring hearing Sadie say she understood, "there's so much." Millie chuckled, understanding what she'd just said made no sense, "so much invested in the friendship. My entire body aches at the thought of losing it forever because he's just always been there, you know?" She croaked as her throat stung from trying to withhold tears. "There's just so many memories that I remember clear as day, they're what I cling on to when he acts out because I know that those memories are the real him." She shakes her head as she wipes the tears from under her eyes, the two girls still facing each other as they lay on Millie's bed, hand in hand.

Sadie was the type of friend who Millie knew would be around forever, she simultaneously understood and supported everything Millie did and said whilst also speaking up and contradicting things she may not agree with, "cherish them. I'm positive he misses you, despite what he says." her thumb rubbed against Millie's hand. There were some times where Sadie couldn't tell whether Finn was a good person or not, but deep down she knew he meant well.

"That's the problem, though." Millie spoke quietly, "I want to believe that but I'm also terrified that I'll forgive him and he'll hurt me again. He's got some serious issue she needs to figure out," Millie felt bad saying that but she knew it was the truth. She'd be more than happy to help him with this if he just let her in.

Sadie sat up slightly, her arm hoisting her body off of the bed so she was leaning on it, "here's what I think you should do." Millie raised her eyebrows, her words having peaked her interest. She was so confused right now that any advice would be helpful. "I'd say, don't let him see you upset like he did tonight. I'm certain he'll apologize soon, and if not then you cave in and do it; even though he's in the wrong." She ran her free hand through her hair, "tonight when you were with Kyle, man. Finn was jealous as hell. So whatever he said was from that, if you just try to hide your vulnerability around him he might get scared he is actually going to lose you for good and he'll apologize, I'm sure of it." Sadie spoke with complete confidence, she had no doubt that what she was saying was true.

"Alright, I trust you, you hear me?" Millie chuckled as she poked Sadie's cheek before getting up from her spot on the bed and walking towards her dresser, "now, I didn't invite you over so that I could whine and cry over Finn all night, although as a side note I'm glad you let me because I feel so much better. But, let's forget about this, girl time. One word about the male species and I'll kill you." Millie pointed her finger at Sadie as a small smirk formed on her lips, she turned on her heel and turned her speaker on before playing the song Girls Just Want to Have Fun by Cyndi Lauper.

Sadie threw her head back in a fit of laughs as Millie danced over to her and grabbed her arms, pulling her up off of the bed, "you, Millie Brown, are the definition of a cliche." She accused the dancing brunette, before shaking her head, "oh, what the hell." She started dancing with her best friend.

The two of the girls' cheeks and stomachs were aching from laughing so hard at one another's miserable attempts at dancing and the song blared through Millie's dimly lit bedroom, only being illuminated by the moonlight streaming through her window and the bulb in the ceiling light; which was in desperate need for a replacement.

After a couple of songs which Sadie claimed to be "painfully cliche" - which, to be fair, included Tubthumping, Break My Stride, Dancing With Myself and Bust a Move - Millie's knocked on the bedroom door, causing Millie to cover her mouth to try to conceal her laughter.

"Mills, I don't wanna be lame or anything," her mom spoke as she opened the door, her words dripping with sarcasm, "but it is almost 1 am and I've got an early Saturday shift."

"Yes, yes. Mom, I'm sorry. I'll turn it off." She apologized, managing to stop herself from laughing until her mother walked out.

As soon as the door was closed the two girls continued to laugh, quietly, despite not knowing what they were laughing at.


so yay I love Sadie with my whole heart. She's such an unproblematic and talented angel. ANYWAY, I'm on school holidays for two weeks so hopefully, there'll be more updates.

Lots of love xx

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