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Word Count: 1215

Millie leaned against her redheaded friend's locker, checking the time on her phone screen as students rushed through the halls, excited to go home for the night. Noah was right next to her, Millie asked him to wait with her until Sadie came, but she was started to feel bad because Sadie was taking a while. "Sorry, Noah. I have no idea where she is." She smiled small, looking from one end of the hall to the other before huffing and leaning back against the cold metal. Noah and her usually went home together because he lived next door to her. They were the kind of friends who got on well despite their differences and could not talk for a week or so for no reason, but then go back to normal.

"It's fine, I don't have much else to do anyway." He gave her a lopped sided smile, Millie looking at him with an apologetic look. Her eyes traveled to her phone as she texted Sadie, asking where she was. Her eyes remained fixated on the illuminated screen until she heard Noah yell out the name of a certain individual she would rather not see, "Finn!"

Millie looked up briefly to see him turn back from the exit he was about to walk out of and come towards the pair, she snapped her head back to her phone. Finn cautiously approached, "Hey Noah, Millie." He smiled at the boy, turning his head to nod at Millie, who gave a small smile whilst refusing to make eye contact.

"What're you up to this afternoon?" Noah asked, innocently. He had no clue that Millie and Finn had fought just two days before. But had they fought? Millie wasn't sure if that was even what it could be called. They hadn't spoken, and she wasn't sure if she was still meant to be tutoring him.

"I was planning to just head home and take it easy," Finn responded. Yeah, because you ever do anything that isn't taking it easy, Millie thought to herself. "And you, Noah? What are you up to?"

"Was planning to have a kick around with Caleb, and maybe Gaten. You're welcome to join, we need you back on the team." Both boys chuckled, but Finn's sounded more forced and awkward.

"Yeah, I'm working on it." He mumbled, Millie peered up from her phone to see him staring at her.

She cleared her throat and put her phone in the pocket of her jeans, "I'm gonna go wait for Sadie in her car," giving Noah an awkward side hug and receiving a look from him that said, 'we are talking about this later' before briskly walking towards the exit, and out into the cold air.

Sadie finally met Millie at her car five minutes later, apologising to her and saying she was running through a scene with her drama teacher. Millie and Sadie were best friends, but if there was one thing that was the most different between the two it would be that Millie is always on time, usually early. Sadie, however, was often late. "Guess what?" Sadie excitedly questioned, her voice eager and coming out at a fast pace.

"What?" Millie mimicked her friend's excitement.

"Caleb asked me to be his girlfriend!" Sadie squealed, and Millie's eyes widened. She was thrilled that her best friend had finally found someone to treat her well, she hoped.

"No way! Sads, that's so great!"

"Yeah, I know right!" She unlocked the car and hopped in, spending the entire drive back to her house babbling about how great he was.

The two sat on Sadies bedroom floor, leaning against her bed. Her room was one of four in the house, despite it just being herself and her parents. Millie had no idea what Sadie's parents did, but she could only assume it paid well considering the size of her house. Sometimes it intimidated Millie, as her own house could fit inside of Sadies four or five times.

"Okay, Millie. I think I've got it." Sadie sat up straight, holding a piece of paper in front of her as she began to squint her eyes at it. "So, the points we are trying to get across in the first paragraph are that technology in schools and... institutions, was it? Yeah. That technology in institutions is impacting the socialization of teenagers. Is that right?"

Millie smiled proudly at her friend who was trying so hard to understand, "yeah, Sads. That's right. Only thing is that you should say adolescents instead of teenagers, but that's just a formality." Sadie's face lit up at her friend's response and she began to jot down more dot points. Millie sighed, speaking before she could even realize what she was saying, "I wish Finn had this much work ethic."

She immediately regretted it as Sadie looked at her with an eyebrow raised, "what are you not telling me?" Her attention had completely shifted from the work in front of her and to Millie.

"We had a bit of a fight on Monday," Millie lied, knowing that what she said was an understatement. "Well, maybe more than a bit of a fight."

Sadie gasped, a bit dramatic in Millie's opinion, "and you waited until now to tell me! It's Wednesday!" She slapped Millie's leg playfully, "what happened?"

"He was being uncooperative, which pissed me off. It escalated from there, I guess." Millie frowned, the statement sounded more like a question than anything else and Sadie narrowed her eyes, causing Millie to sigh before continuing. "I told him that he shouldn't wasting his time doing stupid stuff and then he said I was stuck up."

Sadie's face softened, "that's it? You guys are fighting because each of you got annoyed at one thing the other said? You're both so dramatic!" Sadie's voice raised and Millie thought it was ironic that Sadie was calling them dramatic.  She had to admit that Sadie had a point though, she wasn't even annoyed at Finn for what he said anymore, she was just over his poor work ethic. "Millie?" Sadie said softly, seeming to have taken her silence as her being offended, "I'm sorry, okay? I just think you guys give each other too much of a hard time. You fight like siblings, only you aren't, so you don't have any reason to make up. One day you guys might actually lose each other."

There were a few minutes of silence, Millie was deep in thought while Sadie turned back to her work, "you're right, Sadie. Mum also pointed out that he's independent because of his family situation. I should apologize, but so should he. I'm afraid if I talk to him about it now I'm still going to explode from anger, I just need some time." Millie felt better, having spoken to Sadie about how she felt.

Sadie reached for Millie's hand, giving it a tight squeeze, "you both mean the world to me. I hate seeing you fight," she smiled warmly and Millie forced a small smile.

"Tell me how Caleb asked you out!" Millie exclaimed, in an effort to lighten the mood. It worked, of course. Sadie immediately started telling Millie how he gave her a long speech about how great she was. This made Millie smile, she was grateful Caleb was treating her right.

A/N: this was just a filler chapter, sorry it's a lot shorter than usual and not that interesting. But I adore sillie fluff, so at least there's that.

ALSO! THANKS SO MUCH FOR 100 READS! That's insane. And thank you to everyone who has been voting and commenting and even adding this book to their reading list! I'm so grateful, every time I have a notification to do with this book I get so so so happy.

All the love,
L xx

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