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Word Count: 2362

"Come on, Noah! This one is actually ridiculous," Millie groaned as she threw a horrendous shirt towards him, hitting his face. "I think I ought to take you clothes shopping seen as you can't dress yourself." She huffed, a small smirk playing on her lips.

"Hey!" He whined from the bed he was sitting on. He'd invited Millie over to help him sort through his clothes, seen as almost all their other friends had gone to that party. "My clothes aren't that bad." Noah protested, pushing Millie out of the way so he could get access to his wardrobe.

"Yeah, alright." She paused, briefly, "and pigs can fly, right?" Noah turned his head and glared at her, but she could tell by the crinkles beside his eyes that he was trying hard not to laugh. Millie raised her eyebrows, causing him to crack and let out a chorus of laughs.

"Oh, shut up, will you?" He threw a shirt at her this time, it landing on top of her head, "I think I like this look on you, Millie."

Millie tugged the shirt off of the top of her head, peering at the design. It was literally a plain grey shirt, so she just folded it and put it in the keep pile, everyone needs a plain grey shirt. "In that case, I may as well just leave and let you do this by yourself." She shrugged, nonchalantly as she began to rise from her spot on the bed.

"Sit," Noah demanded as he continued to throw shirts over his shoulder, they landed aimlessly on and around his double bed.

Millie sat back down where she was just moments before, continuing to sort through the clothes. His fashion taste wasn't always bad, he actually owned some really nice things. Just some days Millie wanted to accidentally start a fire in his wardrobe so he wouldn't wear some of the clothes anymore. "Jesus, Noah. How many shirts do you own?" She groaned as an endless stream of clothing items were being thrown at her.

"I don't know, I'm just emptying the entire wardrobe." Noah shrugged, not pausing what he was doing.

A sigh escaped Millie's mouth as she stood, walking towards him whilst trying to dodge everything he threw, "here, I'll take out the things that need to be sorted. Not everything needs to be pulled out, dumbass," she gently shoved him behind her, not intending to actually harm him.

They were now in the positions they originally were, Millie tossing him the clothes whilst he decided whether or not to keep them – it just made more sense. "So, Millie, it's your birthday soon." Noah alerted the girl, who rolled her eyes despite her back is turned to him.

"I am aware..." She trailed off, not particularly liking the direction this topic of conversation was headed. When it comes to birthdays, Millie is an overall fan – aside from the hype and attention over her own. It wasn't a selfless thing, more that she felt really uncomfortable in the spotlight for an entire day. It was a tradition for her and Sadie to go shopping during the day – Millie blowing all her birthday money in one go. Clothes, shoes, books... anything Millie had wanted but couldn't afford all year. After this, she usually just wanted to have a quiet night being excited over the day's purchas

"What are we going to do?" Noah questioned as if it was vital for them to have something planned in advance. "The big one eight, you can vote. All that good stuff - a celebration is indeed in order," he chuckled, knowing how squeamish this was making Millie feel. She was about to shut the whole thing down when her phone started to ring, the tone muffled by the clothes that were likely smothering it, "I'll get it!" Noah insisted like he was racing to answer the landline first or something.

He finally found it on the third or second last ring, "this is Noah, not Millie," his eyebrows furrowed at the response, "she's right here, do you want to speak to her?" Millie walked over, trying to grab the phone from him, but he held his finger up to tell her to wait a moment, "no, she's fine... okay... yep, here she is." He held his hand out, offering the phone to Millie with a shrug.

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