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Word Count: 1507

Both Millie and her mom had been holed up together on the couch all day, watching crappy movies. It seemed as though they rarely spent any time together anymore with Millie juggling school, her friends, and Finn and then her mom working so often.

It was for this reason that Millie felt really guilty when Noah called and asked if he could come over for a bit. She hated to say no, and her mom reassured her it was fine, but in a way, Millie was annoyed she had to get up off of the couch earlier than she planned. Millie had agreed to go to a party later that night for Lilia Buckingham's birthday – she and Gaten were still working things out and Millie could only assume he got them all invited.

After Noah babbled on for a few more minutes whilst Millie ran through the hallway to her room, she hung the phone up and glanced at her appearance in the full-length mirror in her room with a groan; she hadn't brushed her hair all day and she was wearing the same clothes she went to sleep in last night.

It was only Noah coming over, but she knew it was common decency to clean herself up. She probably smelt, too. Millie grabbed her phone and quickly typed a message to Noah to say she was getting in the shower and he could let himself inside (although he would have anyway).

The shower was pretty quick. Millie washed her hair in an attempt to tame it and she thoroughly washed her body, afraid she'd still stink from her lazy day. She'd gotten out and dressed into an outfit that Sadie would probably tell her was too casual for a party, but jeans and an off the shoulder shirt was all she was bothered to muster for the night.

After leaving the bathroom, Noah was in her room sat on her bed with Millie's laptop in front of him and a smile on his face. She threw her dirty clothes in her washing basket and jumped on the bed next to him, glancing at the screen, "modern family? I could've guessed."

Noah smiled and closed the laptop screen, causing Millie to furrow her eyebrows. "Okay, Millie." He started, "I know the other day you were complaining about everyone talking about university and stuff but I need your help with something." Noah was visibly nervous and Millie felt guilty for having to refrain from rolling her eyes, but she was just sick of the topic of conversation.

Nevertheless, she smiled encouragingly, "what's up?"

Noah clasped his hands in front of him like he was about to give a speech – something Millie noticed he did a lot when he was formulating words in his head. "I really want to go to uni. I have no idea what I want to do yet, but I know I want to go." He spoke with such confidence that Millie didn't even consider questioning him, instead nodding, "I just don't know how to pay for it. I don't know what the deal with scholarships and financial aid is and I just have no idea if it's even possible. Which sucks." He sighed after rambling, seemingly with relief over finally confiding in someone.

Millie nodded again, thinking about his words. "So, did you want me to help you sort out some kind of financial aid or something?" A glimmer of hope flashed in Noah's eyes, happy she offered instead of him having to ask.

"Yes please, Millie. Thank you so much. I just didn't know who else to talk to about it because all of our friends wouldn't understand the stress of financial strain, just – thank you." Noah was talking so fast it took a few moments for Millie to process what he said.

She didn't like to think about it often, but it was hard to be one of the two only people in their friendship group who weren't well off. Having Noah was a blessing, and she was so grateful. "I understand Noah, and you know you can talk to me about any of this stuff whenever." She smiled at him with reassurance, knowing he was struggling with he whole thing a bit more than usual. "We are in the same boat." Millie hugged him swiftly before grabbing her laptop and opening it back up.

"What're you doing?" Noah asked eagerly, leaning over to look at the laptop screen.

Millie shook her head and scoffed, "looking at financial aid applications, idiot."

Noah's entire face lit up like a Christmas tree and it warmed Millie's heart. Noah was one of the kindest people she knew and she would do absolutely anything to make him happy; he deserved the best.

For the first time in a while, Millie was drunk. She wasn't intending on it happening but Finn wanted to celebrate getting his spot back on the football team and whilst he insisted she didn't have to drink anything, she wanted to take part in this celebration with him. Along with discreetly celebrating that Sadie got a Juilliard audition (for she had still not told anyone but Millie).

She was navigating her way through sweaty bodies in the house, trying to find somewhere to get another drink from. Her entire focus was in getting to the kitchen and she took no notice of anyone else around her, even when she was shoving people out of the way as she tried to get through.

After finally getting into the kitchen the first thing Millie darted towards was a case of beer sat on top of the counter, taking a swig of the bitter liquid and thing withhold herself from cringing. Tonight it was beer or spirits, and she opted for beer to prevent her from getting too drunk.

Millie turned in her heel and was about to walk out of the kitchen when she saw Gaten sat at one of the stools, phone in hand. She snatched the phone out of his hands, narrowing her eyes at him. "Okay, why on earth are you sitting here by yourself?"

Gaten's head snapped up to look at the person who took his phone, smiling small when he saw it was Millie. "I needed a little break, that's all." He shrugged, reaching for his phone only for Millie to pull her arm back.

"Not happening, Gatos!" She giggled, Gaten rolling his eyes playfully once realising she was drunk. "If you want it... come and get it!" Millie finished, darting out of the kitchen. She didn't really know why she was doing it; she knew it was annoying.

That didn't stop her from running through the sweaty bodies in the house, beer in one hand and Gaten's phone in the other. She glanced back swiftly and saw Gaten trailing closely behind.

A few moments later she collided with another person, dropping the phone and spilling the beer all over her shirt. She looked up to see Finn, who seemed concerned but his eyes were also glassy and his gaze unfocused. His hands gripped her arms, having intentionally stopped her running. "Millie? What are you–"

"It's okay! My phone is fine!" He was cut off by Gaten picking the phone up off of the ground and jokingly glaring at Millie who was still in Finn's embrace. Millie smiled apologetically before Gaten was lost in the crowd.

Millie shifted her gaze back up to Finn who was already staring down at Millie, a goofy look on her face. "Hi," he muttered, his eyes darting to her lips.

Millie just giggled in response, mentally face-palming at the sound. Sober Millie would slap her right now, but instead she wrapped her arms around Finn's neck and pulled his head down to attach her lips to his.

Finn tasted like a mixture of vodka and weed, the taste pungent but it didn't stop the fuzzy feeling Millie got in her stomach while kissing Finn.

His hands wrapped around her waist tightly, pulling her into his body closely, surprising her and causing a small gasp to leave her mouth. It may have been small but it was enough for Finn to slip his tongue into her mouth. The kiss started out tender and soft, but it was becoming more and more sloppy and roughy – Millie fingers pulling at the bottom of Finn's hair which only caused him to press his lips against hers harder.

It was as if the pounding music and shouting people were muted and it was just the two of them, even as they pulled apart and gazed into each other's eyes.

Finn pulled her close (if it was even possible) and placed a delicate kiss on her forehead, the stench of alcohol and smoke wafting down to her nose as he slurred, "I love you."

He may have been drunk, but the words were as sincere as ever and Millie knew that. The same words leaving her mouth with the same amount of love in them.

I'll edit this later but it's been a hot minute since I've updated so I felt I needed to.

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