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Word Count: 998

Millie was blinded as she opened her eyes, cursing herself for not closing her curtains the night before. The sudden stream of light caused her head to throb and she groaned, scrunching her eyes closed and turning her body to face the other way.

Her eyes shot open at the sound of a small laugh, being met with Finn's face. His dark hair was a mess and was sprawled across his face, he had dark circles under his eyes and looked half asleep. She'd completely forgotten he had slept over. "Oh, shit. Hey. What's the time?" She asked him, reaching for her phone and checking before he could answer. 9:42 am.

There was an awkward tension in the room for a couple of minutes, broken by Finn sitting up straight and leaning his back against the headboard of Millie's bed, "how're you feeling?"

Millie buried her face in her pillow and mumbled, "awful," she heard Finn laugh slightly and then felt movement on his side of the bed. She turned her head and saw him pulling his shoes on. "You going?"

He turned back for a moment and glanced at Millie, her hair messily sprawled across the pillow and eyes only open slightly. She looked peaceful, and he didn't want to overstay his welcome. "Yeah, I'll let you rest and whatever. Thanks for letting me stay."

Millie smiled warmly at the boy, but it came out lopsided due to the angle she was lying, "no problem whatsoever. Thank you for driving me home and stuff, sorry for being a total mess. That was very out of the ordinary for me." She groaned, already regretting her actions and decisions from the night before.

"Honestly Millie, you've seen me in much worse states so it's the least I could do." His shoes were on now but he remained sat on Millie's bed, his body twisted around so he was facing her. "I'm sorry, again, by the way. For being so rude recently." He ran a few fingers through his hair, trying to pull apart the knots.

"Me too," Millie said quietly, her eyes fixated on the boy in front of her.

He stared back at her for a few moments before he looked away, "I should get going. Thanks again, Mills. I'll see you Monday." With that, he stood and walked out of Millie's bedroom, carefully closing the door behind him.

Millie lied on her bed and stared at the ceiling as Finn was walking through the hall and outside the front door of the quiet house, and they were both thinking the same thing, maybe things wouldn't be so bad after all.

Millie rolled over on her bed and tugged the covers up to her chin, attempting to get back to sleep. It hadn't even been a minute before she heard a knock on her bedroom door and opened her eyes to her mum walking in, "Millie? Why was Finn here?"

"Oh," Millie gulped, knowing her mum wouldn't be thrilled with the idea of a boy staying the night after a party and then sneaking out in the morning, even if it was Finn. It doesn't look good. "I'm really sorry, but it isn't as bad as it looks."

"Okay, Millie. Can you just explain it to me?" Winona spoke calmly, taking a seat on the end of Millie's bed. Millie was always really thankful that her mum was so patient and understanding, she was lucky to be her daughter.

Millie sighed, knowing that her mum wasn't going to like what she was about to say, "well at the party I had a couple of drinks." She paused and watched her mum's eyes go wide and her mouth begin to open, "but I didn't drive home! I swear. And I most definitely didn't drive home with Finn and put him in danger. He drove me back here and then I didn't feel right making him walk home in the dark so I told him to stay... that's it though, I swear!"

Millie watched her mother sit there in silence for a few moments, "okay... well, in future I just want you to keep me updated. I don't care what time it is, if you or any of your friends need a lift home or are in danger or anything, please do not hesitate to call me."

"Yes, of course. Thank you so much, mum." Millie smiled, relieved that her mum didn't rip her to shreds. She was very lucky.

"So, did you and Finn work out your differences then?" Winona questioned, raising her eyebrows at her daughter who was still buried under her covers.

Millie thought about it, she hoped that they had. She thought they did. All she wanted was for things to be alright and not awkward, "yeah, we did." She smiled at her mother who was trying to disguise her happiness over the revelation.

Winona stood up and started walking out of Millie's room, "well, I appreciate your honesty Mills. But I'm still not happy you had a boy stay over!" She yelled as she walked out of the room.

"It was only Finn!" Millie tried to yell back, but her voice had a low volume. They weren't angrily yelling, so Millie just laughed as she sat up, knowing she wasn't getting back to sleep now.

Her school work was sprawled out across her desk from the night before, and no matter how awful she was feeling right now, she couldn't stop her feet from carrying over there to get all of the work done.

Almost as if it was a redemption from the actions from the previous night; she just craved the feeling of satisfaction from finishing a large amount of work.

A/N: THIS WAS SO SHORT IM SO SORRY! It's literally just a filler I'm sorry I also really really hate this.

I've just been so drained from all my exams I felt so uninspired writing this!!

Anne xx

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