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Word Count: 1607

The rest of the dinner went on more positively, but as Finn was driving Millie home she couldn't help but be a bit concerned about Sadie. She'd spent the rest of the time smiling, but as soon as they'd paid the bill she was the first to dart out of the restaurant and to her car.

It was like a domino effect really; Sadie is worried about Caleb, Millie then worries about Sadie and eventually, it ends with Finn worrying about Millie and a series of events like the ones that unfolded when he pulled up outside of Millie's small house after an almost silent drive home.

"Okay," Finn turned the engine off and unbuckled his seatbelt, Millie beginning to do the same but being stopped by his hand gently grabbing her dainty wrist, "wait a minute." Hesitantly, Millie pulled her hand away from her seatbelt and placed them back in her lap; a confused look on her face. "I really hope you had a good day, Millie."

"I did-"

"And, I don't want you worrying about Sadie."

Millie interrupted Finn again, the lie leaving her mouth before she eve realized, "I'm not-"

Finn raised his eyebrows momentarily, not buying it one bit, "you know she'd probably kill you if she knew you were worried about this right now." Millie bit her lower lip, knowing Finn was right. Sadie would be mad. "Plus, it's your day, Millie. And you deserve a perfect birthday more than anyone. I know it's been a bit rocky and not exactly what you planned, but you deserve to feel loved. So I hope you do." Her head was turned down as he spoke, but he could see a small smile spread across her lips at his words.

"It's been perfect, really," Millie reassured, her hand reaching across the middle console for his. With a tight squeeze, she sighed, "it's hard not to worry, but I promise I will try."

Not mollified, Finn inhaled deeply whilst choosing his words carefully. He didn't want to seem insensitive or pushy but, "I just want you to know," he lifted his head to meet with her inviting eyes, "that you deserve everything good that comes your way. You've done so much for me, most of which I doubt you're even aware of. But please, just recognize the remarkable person you are, Millie. Everyone else does."

The road that Millie lived on was a busy street, but the sound of cars driving by was almost muted by their closed doors and windows. Sometimes, the sound of a car radio pounding could be heard for a few moments, but aside from that, there was only an almost inaudible whoosh when a car went flying past.

With no music playing, it was as if it was just Finn and Millie alone in the world, left with one another's company and their own thoughts. Not that either of them minded too much though. Although at this moment Finn was eager for Millie's response, it wasn't like him to be so sentimental and if he was being honest he just wanted some reassurance that he wasn't being so lame and embarrassing himself.

Despite the silence, their eyes remained locked and Finn knew he'd said the right thing. When it came to Millie, Finn knew that she was a firm believer in actions speaking louder than words and all that stuff (which he didn't think was worth his time to even consider).

"Come inside?" Millie's voice was hopeful as she broke the eye contact to look down and pick her small bag off of the floor in front of her, glancing up with raised eyebrows when Finn didn't respond.

Finn shook his head to break out of his thoughts, his black curls flying about (he really needed a haircut), "yeah, yeah. Sounds good."

It was almost a routine for Millie to make Finn pull her pajamas out of her drawers after a long day, it happened every time he was over. Millie would flop onto her bed and getting up would be the last thing she wanted to do, then Finn would complain she was lazy but a small smile would be present on his fabricated serious face.

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