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~Skip To Lunch~

"Amanda? Would you like to sit with us at lunch?" Kevin asked.

"Sure, but I have to get my other stuff from my locker first, so I'll be right back." I said and he nods. I wave at them and I made my way to my locker. I finally made it to my locker, and I put in my combination and opened it. I open my book bag and took out my other books, and put them back in my locker.

"Amanda?" I gasp and I turn around, and see Aleks standing behind me. "Can we talk?" He asked and I shook my head. "Look. I'm really sorry Amanda, but like I told you. I broke up with Tiffany about a month ago, and she still doesn't believe me." He says. I turn my back on him and I grab my other 3 books for my other classes, and I locked my locker.

"Aleks!" I look over my shoulder, and see the girl from earlier. "Oh. Who this?" She asked him and he sighs.

"This is Amanda. She's new here." He tells her and she smiles.

"Hi Amanda. My name's Tiffany." She smiles and holds out her hand.

"Hi. Now if you don't mind. I'd like to go to lunch, and it was really nice to met you Tiffany." I said and walked passed them.

"Amanda wait!" I hear Aleks shout, but I ignore him and keep walking. Soon he finally catches up to me and he grabs my arm, but I don't let him. "Amanda?" He said out of breath.

"You should've told me this before you kissed me!" I yelled and him and he covers my mouth. "Let go of me." I said but it was muffled. He takes me through the halls, and we go into another empty classroom. He uncovers my mouth and I gasped for air. "What is wrong with you Aleks?" I asked him, but before I could say anything. The door opens and I see that it was James and Kevin, and they have trays with them.

"I see that Aleks brought you here." James said and he sees that I was gasping for air. "What were you two doing?" He smirked. I started blushing and made my way towards the door, but Kevin stops me.

"Please let me go. I want to get something to e-" I stopped myself and remembered that I still had my tacos from this morning. I sigh. "Nevermind." I said and he lets me go. I sit down in an empty table away from them, and I set my book bag down. I open it up and take out my tacos, and I also take out my tablet. I turn on my tablet and I pug in my headphones, and I start playing my music. Soon I started humming to my music, and then I started singing after.

I keep singing, until I felt a smal tap my head. I look up and see Kevin smiling at me, and I started blushing. I take out my headphones from my ears, and I pause my music. "You have an amazing voice Amanda." He says and I smile a little.

"Um. Thanks Kevin." I thanked him and he sits down in front of me. Then I look over his shoulder, and I see James with a smirk on his face, and Aleks face was bright red. "What's wrong with Aleks?" I asked him and he sighs.

"He told us what happened, and it was wrong." He said and I nod. "Amanda?"

"Hm? What is it Kevin?" I asked him and he took a deep breath.

"If you don't mind me asking." He starts. "I would like to take you out, so I can show you around the town." He says and smiles.

"Really?" I said and he nods. "Um, okay. Thanks Kevin." I smiled.

"Great. We can go this Friday after school." He said and I nod. "You have my number already, so you can text me right now and I can save your number on my phone." He says while taking out his phone, and I do the same. I go to my contacts and find his name, and I send him a quick message. Soon his phone rings and he looks at it, and then he saves my number on his phone. "You're not eating?" He asked.

New Girl (re-write)Where stories live. Discover now