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Aleks's Pov:

We've been waiting for a good 3 hours and now it's pass midnight, and Amanda was still sleeping, so me and Kevin decided to wait for her to wake up, because the rest of the guys had left. Her parents haven't even showed up at all, and it kind of pisses me off that they didn't show up, but we can't do nothing about it and we just have to wait and see, until she wakes up. "Kevin McFarlane and Aleksandr Marchant?" We both look up and see her nurse walking towards us. "She would like to see y'all now." She says to us and we nod. We get up from our seats and we follow behind her, and once we get into her room. "Amanda? They're here to see you." She tells her.

She moves aside and she let us in, and we both look at Amanda. "Hey guys." She said softly with a smile on her face. "Thanks Judy." She thanked the nurse and she nods. "Can I get some soup?" She saked.

"What kind would you like?" Judy asked her and Amanda picks up a small menu. "There's also some desserts on the back." She smiles and Amanda's eyes light up. She turns the menu around and her jaw drops.

"I would like some chicken soup, a chocolate cake, and a Big Red." She says happily.

"Alright. Do you boys want anything?" She asked us and we shook our heads. "Okay. I'll be right back." She said and we nod.

"Come and sit down guys." She smiles, so we both pull up a chair, and I sit on one side, while Kevin sits on the other side. "I get to leave here in 2 hours, but I don't want to go home, because my parents pissed me off." She says and she started to cry. "I hate them so much, and for them not to show up? I just want to disappear forever, or maybe kill myself." She cries.

"Don't say that Amanda!" Kevin yells at her and she gasped. "We care about you. We all do, but please don't say that." He says and tears started flowing down her face. "Look? If you want a place to stay, you can stay with me for a few days." He said and she stops crying.

Amanda's Pov:

"You're all set Ms.Gonzales, and you're free to go. Make sure you get plenty of rest, and don't pick up anything heavy." Judy says and I nod.

"I won't and thank you Judy." I thanked her and she nods.

"I'm taking you to my house Amanda." Kevin said and I nod. "You can come to Aleks." He tells him and he shook his head. "Are you sure?" He asked and he nods. "Okay. We'll see you tomorrow then."

"Bye Aleks." I smiled and he waves goodbye, and then he leaves. "What's wrong with Aleks?" I asked Kevin and I started crying. "Did I do something wrong?" I cried and then he hugs me.

"You didn't do nothing wrong, and I'm sure he's fine." He says and he lets me go. "Let's go, so you can get some rest." He said and I nod. I wipe the tears from my face and I follow Kevin.

"Wait? How are we going home?" I asked him and he laughs.

"My car." He says and then he points to it. I look over and my jaw drops, so I ran over to it and I look inside. "Do you like it?" He asked and I nod. Then I here a beeping noise, and he opens the door for me. "After you ma'am."

"Why thank you my good sir." I giggled and I get in. He laughs and he closes the door for me. Then he goes to the driver's side and opens it, and then he gets in and he starts the engine. He slowly pulls out of the parking lot and he drives off.

-Kevin's House-

"Wow. I love your house Kevin." I said and I start looking around.

"I'm glad you like it." He smiles. "Let me show you my room." He says and I nod. He takes my hand and he takes me upstairs, but out of nowhere. "Hey Nikko." He said and I look at the top of the stairs, and I see a siamese cat.

"Aw. He's so adorable." I said and he makes his way towards us.

"Say 'hi' Nikko." He tells him and he meows. I hold out my hand and I start petting his head, and I hear him purred. "He likes you." He says and I smile.

"I wish I can carry you Nikko, but I can't." I frowned and showed him my cast. He starts licking it and I giggled. I soon started yawning, and Nikko runs back upstairs, so me and Kevin follow him.

Kevin's Pov:

Once we made it to my room, I hear her gasp behind me, so I look back at her and she starts looking around my room. "Do you like my room?" I asked her and she nods. "You can sleep in here, and I'll sleep on the floor." I said and she shook her head.

"No. I don't want you to hurt your back." She said. "Just lay down next to me, and we both will be fine." She smiles and I nod, but then she face palms.

"What's wrong?" I asked her and she sits on the edge of the bed.

"I need some clothes, and I can't go back home." She says.

"Hey, don't worry. It's okay." I tell her and she looks at me. "You can wear some of my clothes." I smiled and she sighs.

"Okay. I'm sorry Kevin." She apologized and I hug her.

"Don't be. I don't mind you wearing them. I bet you would look good in my clothes." I laugh and I hear her gasp. "Come on. You need some rest." I said and she nods, so I let her go and I go into my closet, and pick out some random clothes for her to sleep in. I set the clothes next to her, and I take off her shoes.

"You don't have to help me Kevin." She says and I smile.

"Stand up." I tell her and she sighs. She stands up and I unzip her pants, and I pull them sown to her ankles. She lifts he feet up and I move her pants out of the way. Then I grab the pair of pj pants and put them on her. "Do they fit?" I asked her and she nods. "Okay. Now your shirt." I said and she starts blushing. I help her pick up her left arm slowly, and then her right arm, and I take off her shirt.

"K-Kevin." She stutters and I laugh. My face was inches was from her and I can see that she was turning red. I grab the other shirt from the bed, and I put it on her. "Thank you Kevin." She thanked me and I nod.

"Do you want anything to eat or to drink?" I asked her and she shook her head. "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure." She says and I nod. "Okay. I need some sleep." She said and she lays down on the bed. I take off my shoes, my shirt, and my pants. I went into my closet again and picked a random shirt, and a random pair of pants. I put them on and I turn off the light, and then I go lay down next to Amanda. "Thanks again Kevin, for letting me borrow your clothes." She thanked me and I nod.

"No problem, and remember. I'm always here for you." I tell her and she cuddles into me. I wrap my arms around her and hold her close to me. "Goodnight Amanda."

"Goodnight Kevin." She said and we both drifted off to sleep.

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