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Amanda's Pov:

-Skip to December-

"Ugh. I feel even more fat." I said and sat down on the couch. "I hate this so much." I said while rubbing my stomach.

"Don't worry babe. We'll think of something when the baby is born." Kevin said and I sigh.

Soon, the doorbell rings and he went to go answer it, but when he did. "Is Amanda Gonzales here?" I hear a man asked, so I get up from the couch and head towards the door.

"I'm Amanda and how can I help you officer?" I asked him and he took off his cap.

"I have something to tell you ma'am." He said and I nod. "May I come in?" He asked and we both moved aside, so he can come inside. "Thank you." He thanked us and we nod. Kevin closes the door and we head into the kitchen, but then the officer looks back at us and holds out a piece of paper to me. "This is from your parents." He said and I took it from him.

I opened it and started reading it, and my eyes widen. "You can't be serious?" I said while looking at him. "I am not going back home, because of this!" I yelled and ripped the paper into pieces.

"And we found José also." He said and it went quiet. "He's in a prison cell and waiting for a court hearing this week." He says.

I sigh. "I'll go and I want them to hear what I have to say." I tell him and he nods. Then he reaches in his pocket and gives us a card, so we can contact him.

"If y'all have any questions, let me know." He said and we nod.

"Thank you officer." We thanked him and he leaves. Once he closes the door, I went to the living room and sat down.

Kevin's Pov:

"Babe?" I said and she looks up at me. "Are you sure you want od o this?" I asked her and she nods.

"Yeah. Besides, I have a lot to say to that fucker and I want him dead." She says and my eyes widen. "I'm going to take a nap, so please don't make so much noise." She said and I nod. Then she covers herself in a blanket that was lying on top of the couch, and she closed her eyes.

I sigh and went up to my room, but then my phone goes off, so I take it out of my back pocket and answered it. "Hello?"

"Hey Kevin!" Sly shouted through the phone and I rubbed my ear. "Watcha doing?!" He yells.

"Stop shouting Sly." I tell him and he giggles. "I'm going to my room and play some games. Amanda's downstairs in the living room taking a nap." I said while sitting down at my desk and then turning on the computer.

"Do you want to come over and hang out for a while?" He asked me and I quickly look at the time.

"Alright, but only for a little bit, because I don't want to leave Amanda by herself for too long." I tell him and turned off my computer.

"Okay. See you in a bit Kevin." He said and then he hangs up. I grab my wallet and keys, and I leave my room, but when I go downstairs.

"Kevin!" A familiar voice said and my eyes widen. Then she comes running out of the living room, and embraces me with a hug. "It's been too long Kevin. How've you been?" She asked me.

"Jenna? What are you doing here?" I asked her and she kisses me on my cheek.

"Kevin?" I look up and see Amanda crying, so Jenna lets me go and I go towards Amanda, but she backs away from me. "I called Aleks and he's on his way over here to pick me up." She cried and I looked at her confused.

"What? Why?" I asked her and Jenna grabs my arm. "Please let me go Jenna." I tell her and she shook her head.

Amanda's Pov:

We just stood here in silence, until she said something. "So? I heard the news about you." She tells me and I clenched my fists. "I hope everything is okay." She smiles and I just went upstairs to my room, and locked the door.

Then I hear someone run up the stairs and then knocking on my door. "Babe? Please open the door!" Kevin shouts, but I ignore him and got my stuff ready. "Please Amanda?!" He said.

"No! Leave me alone!" I yelled at him and I hear him sigh. Then my phone started ringing, so I grab it from my dresser and answered it. "Hello?" I cried.

"Amanda? Is everything okay?" Aleks said and I sat down on my bed. "I'm here." He says and I quickly grabbed my stuff.

"Okay. I'm going." I said and hung up the phone. I put it in my pocket and unlocked the door, but then Kevin comes in and hugs me. I pushed him off of me and quickly went downstairs and out the front door.

"Amanda!" He shouts, but I ignore him and ran to the car. Aleks gets out of the and helps me with my stuff. He puts it in the back seat of his car, and I got in the passanger seat. I put on my seatbelt and Aleks got back in the car, and he drives off. "Amanda!" I look back and see Kevin running towards us, but then he stops.

"I just want this to end." I said and broke down crying.

"It'll be okay Amanda. Everything will be okay." He says and intertwines our hands together.

"I'm going to take a small nap, so please tell me when we get to your house." I said while wiping my tears and then closing my eyes.

|Time Lapse|

"You can sleep in my room and I'll take the couch in the living room." Aleks said and I shook my head. "I'll be okay Amanda." He said while hugging me and I hug him back. "If you need anything, just let me know and I'll come rushing up here." He says and I let him go.

"Thank you Aleks." I thanked him and he lets me go.

"Anything for you." He said and I sat down on his bed. "Go ahead and get some rest." He smiles and I nod, so I lay down on the bed and he pulled the covers over me. He moves towards me and kisses me on my forehead. "Goodnight Amanda."

"Goodnight Aleks." I said and closed my eyes. Then I hear him walk out of the room, and I slowly begin to drift to sleep.

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