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Kevin's Pov:

 "Do you think she's going to be okay?" Aleks asked me and I shrugged.

"I don't know Aleks, but let her get some rest." I tell him and he nods. "Do you want anything to drink?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"No thanks, but I'm going to head home, and get some rest too." He says and I nod. "I'll see y'all tomorrow, and we'll take her to the mall to get her some new clothes." He said.

"Okay. See you tomorrow." I said and I walked him to the door. I open the door for him and he leaves, but when I closed the door and then locked it.

"Kevin?" I turn around and I see Amanda. "Did Aleks just leave?" She asked me and I nod. "Oh okay." She yawned and I smile.

"You need to go back to bed." I tell her and she walks towards me. "Are you hungry?" I asked her and she shook her head. "Thirsty?"

She smiles. "Nope." She said and the she leans againsts the counter, but then my phone started ringing, so I take it out of my pocket and I answered it.

"Hello?" I said and then the line went dead. "What the fuck?" I said and then the doorbell rings.

"I'll go get it." She says while getting up from the counter, and then she answered the door. I walk over to her and she stood frozen, so I look out the door and my eyes widen. "Why are you here?" She asked him and he smirks.

"Your mom messaged me on your Facebook, and I was happy to bring you back home." He smirks.

"You can go fuck yourself!" She yells at him and then slams the door in his face.

"I will bring you home, so just watch your back!" He yells and then I hear him walk away. Then she runs upstairs crying, so I go and chase after her, but then I hear glass break.

"Amanda?!" I shout for her but no response. "Amanda?! Please tell me where you are?!" I begged her and then-

"Ahh!" I hear her scream and it was coming from the bathroom, so I ran into my room and saw that the door was closed. I tried opening the door, but it locked.

"Open the door Amanda!" I shout and I hear something fall hard on the floor. "Amanda!" I screamed and I took out my phone. I dialed 911 and it answered within 2 rings.

"911. Wha-" I quickly cut the lady off.

"Please send help! My friend is locked in my bathroom, and I think she might have cut herself!" I yelled at her and she sighs.

"And what is her name sir?" She asked me.

"Amanda Gonzales." I tell her and then I hear her typing.

"Okay. Just give me your address, and I'll send help over right away." She says, so I gave her my address, and then she hangs up.

"Fucking bitch." I whispered yelled and threw my phone on top of my bed, but then the room was complete silence. I took a step back from the door, and I kicked the door open, but when I went in. My eyes widen and I see Amanda laying in a pool of blood, and I drop down to my knees. "Amanda!" I screamed and tears started falling down my face. I quickly crawled over to her, and I laid her down on her back. I did mouth to mouth, but she was barely breathing, and then my doorbell rings, so I quickly get up from the floor, and I ran downstairs and opened the door.

"Where is she?" One of the paramedics asked me and I take the upstairs, and then into the restroom. "Okay. We need to get her on the gurney, and take her to the hospital as fast as we can, because this cut is really deep." He says and I just lost it.

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