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Amanda's Pov:

-Next Day-

My whole body is in fucking pain and I can't stand this right now, but I have to deal with it. Kevin told me what had happened to Aleks yesterday, and they had put him in the same room as me. I was just watching Aleks from across the room, while he was sleeping, and I couldn't help but smile. He's always there for me, and he never leaves my side, but he's also like a brother to me. Maybe even more than a brother. Then there was a knock on the door, so I closed my eyes and pretended that I was asleep, and then the door opened.

"Amanda?" I hear Kevin say my name softly, and then the door closing. "I guess you're still asleep." He laughed a bit. I hear him come closer to me and then sat down next to me. "I'm so sorry." He apologized and then he grabs my hand. "I still love you Amanda, and that's never going to change." He says and I opened my eyes.

"Prove it." I tell him and he gasped. I look up at him and tears were falling down his face. "Prove to me that you still love me." I said and he did. He grabs my face and smacked his lips onto mine, and gave me a passionate kiss. Then he slipped his tounge in and I gasped. We were like this for about a few mintues, until we both had to pull back for air.

"I love you Amanda." He tells me and tears begin to fall down my face. "Will you forgive me?" He asked and I was about to nod, but then I started screaming at the top of my lungs, because of the stomach pain.

"Ah!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, and I think it woke up Aleks. "K-Kevin. Go get the nur-Ah!" I shout and he nods, so he quickly ran out of the room and more tears begin to fall down my face.

"A-Amanda?" I look up and see Aleks with a worried look on his face. "Wh-What's going on?" He asked me, but before I could answer him. The door flew opened and nurses came rushing in the room. "Kevin? What's happening?" He asked him.

"Doctor Martin! She's going into labor!" One of the nurses shouts, and the doctor comes rushing in.

"Get everything ready, and let's get started." He tells the nurses and they nod. "Is he the father?" He asked me, while pointing Kevin, and look towards both of them.

"No, but he is my boyfriend." I smiled in pain and he smiles back. "And Aleks is my friend who's going to be the uncle." I said and his eyes widen.

"We're ready doctor Martin." The nurse said and he nods. "We're going to sit you up a bit Amanda. Okay?" She said and I nod, so reaches for the remote next to me and pushes the button to sit me up. Once she's done, I move myself more towards the middle and spread my legs. Then the doctor sits right in front of me and his nurses on each side of him.

"Okay Amanda. Take a deep breath and push." He tells me and I nod, so I took a deep breath and pushed.

|Time Lapse|

After pushing and screaming, I finally gave birth to a baby girl, but here comes the hard part. "Have you think of a name yet for her?" The nurse asked and I shook my head. "Okay. We'll give you some time to figure one out." She said while leaving the room.

"You just look like your mommy." Kevin said while rocking the baby back and fourth. "You're beautiful and precious." He says and I smiled. Then there was a knock on the door, so Kevin goes and opens the door and then I hear a few aw's.

"She's so cute." I hear Monica said happily and I smiled, so Kevin moves aside and everyone comes inside the room.

"Hey Amanda." Jordan said and I waved at him. "How are you feeling?" He asked me and I sigh.

"Like shit." I laughed and he chuckled. Then Kevin comes next to me and hands me the baby, so I gently grab her and hold her in my arms. I start rocking her from side to side and I tried so hard not to cry, but I felt tears running down my face. "I love you so much, but I don't think I'm ready for this." I cried.

"Amanda?" I look up and everyone was looking at Aleks. "Don't give up on her. Besides, I know you're going to be a great mom for her." He smiled and my eyes widen.

"Ms.Gonzales?" I gasped and looked towards the door, and the doctor came in with some papers. "I have some papers here for you. They're for her if you want to keep her, or give her up for adoption." He said and I nod. I gave the baby back to Kevin and the doctor handed me the papers. One of thepapers said to give it up for adoption, and the other is to keep the baby, so I took a deep breath and signed one of the papers.

"Amanda? Which one are you choosing?" Kevin asked me and I begin to cry even more, so I wrote down the baby's name on the paper, and I gave it back to the doctor. He looks at and he smiles.

"Congraulations Ms.Gonzales." He said while leaving the room, but before he does. "Since you don't have much for her yet. We'll provide some stuff for you, so you can go home tomorrow." He smiled and I nod.

"Thank you." I thanked him and he leaves the room. Then everyone looks at me with a worried look on their faces. "Welcome home Caitlyn." I smiled, while wiping the tears from my face, and their eyes widen. I reach my arms out for her and Kevin hands her to me. "Mommy will protect you. No matter what happens." I said and kissed her forehead.

"Amanda?" I look up and Kevin was smiling big. "I have something to ask you." He said and I nod, so he gets down on one knee and my eyes widen. Then he grabs something out from his pocket and then grabs my hand. "Amanda? I love you so very much, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." He said and then opens the small box. I put my hand over my mouth in shock and couldn't believe what I am seeing. "Amanda Gonzales? Will you marry me?" He asked and tears of joy started falling down my face.

"Yes." I said happily and everyone started cheering.

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