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Amanda's Pov:

-1 Month Later-

I finally caught up with all of my work, so I asked Aleks to turn it in for me, but he had gotten sick and stayed home. So, I had to turn them in. I knocked on the door and the door swung open, so I look up and see-

"Oh look. It's the cry baby." Anthony said and I rolled my eyes.

"Anthony! To the principle's office. Now!" The teacher yells at him and he scoffs. "It's great to see you again Amanda." He said and I nod. "So, what can I help you with?" He asked me and I handed him the work, that I needed to turn in, since I was gone for a few months. "Oh. Thank you." He thanked me and I smiled.

"Mr.Winters?" My eyes widen and I knew that voice, so I turned around and see that it was Kevin. "Amanda?" He said.

"I got to go. Bye Mr.Winters." I tell him and quickly walked out of the room.

|Time Lapse|

I finally finish turning in all of my work, so I decided to head back into the library and read, but then I hear some familiar laughs. "Will you look who it is?" Rachel said and I looked up. "You have some guts coming back to school, cry baby." She laughed.

"Leave me alone Rachel. I don't want to deal with you." I tell her straight up and she slams her hands on the table in front of me.

"Well to fucking bad!" She yells and then slaps me across my face. "Besides, it was your fault that got us suspended!" She shouts and I smirked.

"Ms.Rachel!" Ms.Greyson shouts and they quickly ran out of the library. Then she comes running towards me and lifts up my chin. "Are you alright sweetheart?" She asked and I nod.

"I'm fine Ms.Greyson. Thank you." I thanked her and she nods.

*Bell Rings*

I look at the clock on the wall and see that it was time to go home, so I get up from my seat and walked out of the library. "Be careful dear." Ms.Greyson tells me and I waved at her.

"I will. Bye Ms.Greyson." I tell her and she waves back at me, but when I left the library.

"Amanda!" I stop dead in my tracks and heard him get closer to me. Then he rest his hand on my shoulder and I just pushed him away from me, but he get a hold of me and turns me around, so now I'm facing him. We both looked deep into each others eyes and I begin to cry. "I'm sorry." He apologized and then lets me go. "D-Do you want a ride home?" He asked me and I hesitated a bit, but nod, because I didn't want to walk alone.

|Time Lapse|

"What are you doing here Kevin?!" Aleks yells at him, while coughing, so I pushed him back inside and closed the door. "He didn't hurt you did he?" He asked me and I shook my head.

"He just gave me a ride home, because I didn't want to walk by myself, and Rachel tried to start something with me in the library." I explained to him and his eyes widen. "So, he asked me if I needed a ride, and I said yes." I said and he sighs.

"I'm just glad you're safe." He said while hugging me, and I hugged him back. Then all of a sudden-

"Ugh!" I shout and feel to my knees.

"Amanda! What's wrong?" Aleks asked me while helping me up from the floor.

"M-My stomach." I said in pain and he helps me sit down on the couch. 'It's hurting really bad." Then I felt something running down my legs, so I look down and my eyes widen. "A-Aleks? I need to go to the hospital now." I tell him.

"What? Why?" He asked and I look up at him.

"I think I'm going into labor." I said and his eyes widen.

Aleks's Pov:

I just stood there in shock and I couldn't believe it. "Aleks!" She shouts and I snapped out of it.

"Oh sorry." I apologized to her and she sighs. "Come on let's go." I said and she nods. I help her towards the door and I opened it, but when I did.

"Hey Aleks." I quickly look up and saw that it was Kevin, but then he looked down at Amanda and he has a confused look on his face. "Amanda? What wrong?" He asked her.

"She's going into labor, so I'm taking her to the hospital." I said while coughing and he gasped.

"I'll take y'all. Besides, I don't want you to drive in your condition Aleks." He tells me and I rolled my eyes.

"I'll be-" Amanda cuts me off by pulling on my shirt.

"He's right Aleks." She said and I sigh. "Please?" She begged in pain and I nod.

"Let me go start the car. Do you need some help with her Aleks?" He asked me and I shook my head. "Okay. Come on." He said and we followed behind him.

|Time Lapse|

We finally made it to the hospital and they immediately too Amanda inside, and me and Kevin had to sign her in and fill out paper work, but it's not going well. "God damn it Kevin! That is not right!" I yelled at him and he was frustrated with me already.

"Shut up Aleks! I know what I'm doing!" He yells back at me and I sigh.

"Ahh!" We hear Amanda screaming in one of the rooms, and then she starts crying.

"So? Which on of you is the father?" One of the nurses said and me and Kevin looked at each other.

"Well, she had gotten raped." I tell her and she nods.

"Ahh!" Amanda keeps screaming and I slam my fists onto the counter. Then I just broke down crying in front of everyone, but I can careless right now and fell to my knees.

"Aleks. Please get up." Kevin said, while sounding like he was about to cry as well, so he helps me up, but I just passed out on the floor. "Aleks!" That was the last thing I heard from Kevin, and I blacked out.

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