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Hey everyone, this is my first book and I'm so excited for everyone to read it. I am sorry if there are any grammar or punctuation issues, I am not a professional writer so my writing isn't perfect. This book does include sex between two males so please leave if you're not comfortable. The book also includes physical and emotional abused, so please don't read if this triggers you in any ways. Enjoy!


It was 2nd period and Ms. Primly was explaining our new English assignment. I didn't mind English, I just hated when there were partners and since I didn't really know anyone, I was forced to awkwardly ask the people next to me. My average English mark is a 70 which I guess it's good. My mom always says as long as I try my hardest, my final marks don't matter, so I never felt like I had to over achieve like most kids at my school.

The bell finally rang, it was a buzzing sound that kind of sounded like a fire alarm and it lasted for 10 seconds, and I quickly got out of there making my way to the cafeteria. When I arrived at the caf I was greeted with groups of kids all talking, laughing, smiling, and gossiping. I was never popular enough to be gossiped about, but I still tried to be less known in the school so I wouldn't ever have to be talked about for days. In grade 9, a girl in my science class had a white skirt and sat on a chair which had spilled juice on it which was red, and everyone thought she got her period and soon enough the whole town knew. It got so bad she ended up moving to somewhere in Manitoba.

I ate a sandwich that my mom had made me before going to work this morning. It was delicious just like everything just makes. Her special ingredient is love, always made with love.

After eating I went on my phone until the bell rang. I started my way down to my history class which I hated the most since my bully from elementary school was in it, but luckily he didn't seem to recognize me but I still got paranoid.

It was half way through the period when I had asked to use the washroom. I usually didn't like using school washrooms, they were dirty, and I was scared that if someone knew I was gay and in there they might get angry and beat me up or something. I headed down to the bathroom closest to my history classroom, it was usually empty so I never had to worry about running into people.

I walked up to the door and pushed it open, but when walking in I noticed the Hockey captain, Alexander, who was leaning against the sink while tears ran down his pale cheeks. I quickly openers the door to go back before he could notice but was stopped.

"Wait" he said.

I could feel him staring at me. I turned around slowly and proceeded back into the washroom.

"Um, are you okay? I didn't mean to bother you or anything"

"No, it's fine, I was just washing my hands"

he said as he rubbed his face and started to walk to the door.
"Are you sure?"

I can't believe I said that, he was the most popular guy at school and I was a nobody.

"Yeah, I said I was fine. Thanks"

he said staring straight into my face while he clinched his fists. He then left.

Alexander is the hottest guy at school, captain of the schools hockey team, and definitely straight. Why am I thinking like this? I told myself I wouldn't fall for a straight guy, it would only lead to heartbreak. I sighed and left.

Love Me Like It's Our Last Day Alive (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now