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I got up and got dressed. I could hear Alexander making breakfast downstairs.

"Hey" I say walking towards the kitchen

"Oh hey Clayton, how did you sleep?"

"I slept nice. You have a nice home and thanks again for letting me stay over."

"It's no problem at all. My mom is always abroad for work so I'm usually alone."

"Oh, that's too bad. What about your day?"

The second I say that he stops what he's doing.

"He's-uh well he died when I was little. He got into a car accident."

"Oh I'm so sorry. If I known I wouldn't have asked. I'm so sorry."

"No no, it's okay. He wasn't a good dad, he would beat my mom when he was drunk, and as it got worse he'd also hit me too. I'm glad he's dead."

"Wow. I can't believe that really happened." I say in disbelief

"Yeah well it did."

"I'm sorry"

"It's whatever. I made you some pancakes. I hope you like them."

"They smell delicious, thanks Alexander."

"You can call me Alex if you want." He says smiling

I had never heard someone call him Alex before not even Jessica.

We soon began to eat the pancakes he made, they were truly delicious. After eating, I helped clean the dishes and do whatever I could to help. Alex was in a good mood and I could tell today would be good.

We took the bus to school. When we arrived, his friends were waiting for him and nobody was waiting for me of course.

"If you want I could just stay with you? So you won't be alone."

"What? No. Go hang out with your friends, I'll text you tonight."

He then left to go meet them and I headed to my locker. While walking I saw a group of guys staring at me so I began to walk faster. They followed. I went around the whole school to lose them and eventually I did so I went to my locker. As I was putting my jacket in my locker something slams me to the ground. My head bounces off the cold ground and I can hear someone scream although it's muffled from my loss of hearing in my left ear. Someone kicks my stomach. And then pulls me up and slams me to the row of lockers.

"Hey faggot! Remember this weekend and you and your boyfriend started yelling at my girlfriend at the movie theatre? Well she got in trouble for the mess you guys made." The big buff guy that I recognize, he was usually skipping class and getting in trouble. "I'm her boyfriend and nobody does shit to my girl and gets away with it!"

He throws me to the ground. I try to get up but am stricken down when his foot slams into my side. It felt like forever. I could taste my blood in my mouth and I thought I was going to die. This is it I told myself. But I hear a scream and he stops hitting me. I slowly move my head to see Alex beating him up.

"If you ever touch him again I'll fucking kill you! Got that?" Alex screamed while kicking him.

He carefully helped me up and made sure I was okay.

"Come on, were going to the nurses office and then going home."

"B-but what about classes?" I say weakly

"Don't worry about that, your safety is more important."

I shut my eyes for just a second, but it wasn't a second, I had fallen asleep.

Later that day

I woke up and looked around. It took me a couple of seconds before I realized that I was at Alex's house and that this was his bed. My head was throbbing with pain. I sat there for about 15 more minutes until Alex came in.

"Hey, how're you feeling?"

"I've had better days."

He gives me some medicine to help with the pain and some tea.

"If anyone EVER hurts you I promise I'll kill them. Got it? If anyone even bothers you, you tell me okay?"

"Yeah sure" I say

I understand he's upset but he seems to be taking this too seriously but I guess anyone would do that if their friend was beaten up.

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