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I take a taxi to his house. It's big but not too big. There's a woman jogging by as I knock on his door. Alexander opens the door smiling and greeting me in.

"Hey, nice house!" I say

"Hey Clayton, and thanks. I'll take your bag"

He grabs my bag and heads upstairs and I follow to the guest room and he sets them down near the bed.

"This is your room, I hope you'll like it, if not you can take mine."

"No no it's okay, it's perfect. Thanks again, Alexander."

"Do you want to watch a movie or something?" He says

"Yeah sure!"

We walk downstairs and I sit on the couch and he sits next to me. He let me pick the movie so I choose Girl, Interrupted which is my favourite movie. During the movie, I see out of the corner of my eye Alexander looking at me. He smiles then turns back to the movie. The movie then ends.

"How did you like it? It's my favourite movie, I thought you'd like it"

"It was an interesting choice" he's says with a chuckle

I smile and look at his beautiful blue eyes.

"Want to play 20 questions?" Alexander says

"Yeah sure, you go first?"

I secretly hate these games. Once in grade 4 someone asked who I liked while playing the game, and I said this guy named Mark and well he didn't like that. I ended up with a black eye and people staring at me whenever I walked by for the next year.

"If you could move anywhere in the world, where would it be?" He asks

"Hm, probably like LA or something because everyone is unique there and I wouldn't get judged."

He gives me a "it will be okay" smiles and then waits for me to ask him a question.

"Why do you hang out with the other popular guys who pick on kids like me?" I blurt out

It takes him a second to answer but he eventually does.

"To be honest, I don't even know really. They're on the hockey team and if I'm not at school I'm usually doing hockey, so I guess we all just became friends."

"But you're so much nicer than them, they'd never be nice to someone like me."

He smiles.

"What girl at school do you like?" He says

I don't know how to answer this, I haven't told him I'm gay and I don't know how'd react. Do I just lie?

"T-there's something you should know" I say while taking a deep breath.

"I-I'm.. Gay" I finally say

It burns my mouth when I say it, I don't know why though. Alexander doesn't say anything.

"Oh" he says

"Is that okay? Does that change his friendship?"

I feel like crying. He is the only friend I've ever had and I don't want to ruin it.

"Of course not Clayton. You are my friend because you're a nice guy, and being gay doesn't change that." He says with a smile

"Thanks Alexander"

He truly was the best thing to come into my life.

"So when did you know you were gay?

"I think around 6 or 7, but I didn't really admit it until I was 11 or 12."

"Is there any guy at school you like?"

I wish I could tell him the truth, that I like him. But I couldn't. It would destroy our friendship.

"No, not anyone in particular." Is all I say

We talk and watch another movie before deciding to go to bed. I go upstairs to my room and start to get ready for bed. I take off all my clothes until I'm in my boxers when I hear the door open.

"Oh uh! I-I'm sorry" Alexander says covering his eyes "I was just going to make sure you had everything you needed and you were okay."

"It's okay." I chuckle "everything is good. Thanks again."

"Okay well I better go to bed now. Good night Clayton."

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