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My alarm clock goes off and that mean it's time to get ready for school. The last few days of school have seemed better and I'm not as scared as I usually am when I go to school. I haven't talked to Alexander since Monday but whenever we walk by each other he smiles at me and I smile back. I know he probably doesn't consider me his friend but I consider him mine. My old bully that was in my history class recently moved so I'm not as scared as I used to be when in that class, but I sometimes still feel his presence near me.

After I get dressed and eat some cereal for breakfast, I begin to walk to school. It's now October and the air is getting colder, trees leafs are starting to die, and people begin to wear jackets. Fall is my favourite season. I love the smell of fall foods and the costumes and I don't feel like such a freak.

I can see the school appearing behind some trees, teenagers are walking and getting dropped off, miserable teachers getting out of their cars to work another day, and Alexander and Jessica holding hands with a group of other popular kids around them. As I walk closer I can see Alexander more clearly and I know he can see me too. I smile at him but he doesn't smile back and he begins to kiss Jessica. I feel like my heart shattered into a billion pieces and the worse part is we weren't even dating and he's straight.

The day goes terrible, I failed my math test, in English we had partners and there couldn't been groups of 3, and in History the teacher made me answer a question in front of the class and I knew I got in wrong and kids laughed. My day was worse days of the semester. I sighed and texted my mom if I could skip Art class, and to my surprise she said yes. She usually doesn't let me skip but she somehow must've felt that I was having a bad day. I went to the cafeteria to ready by myself. The caf was empty except a custodian cleaning some tables but he doesn't care about kids skipping.

"Hey Clayton"

I looked up from my book to see Alexander sitting down next to me

"Hey" I said smiling

"You skipping?"

"Yeah, I had a really bad day"

"Same. Me and Jessica got into a fight today and broke up"

"Oh. I'm so sorry. I knew how much she meant to you. Maybe by her flowers or something and say you're sorry? I don't know much about relationships"

He began to laugh a little.

"She didn't mean anything to me. I broke up with her."

"Oh. Well that's good that you're looking out for yourself"

I tried to say something supportive but I've never had a conversation like this.

"I have a question, why are you always alone at lunch?"

My heart stopped and I began to panic. What am I supposed to say? That nobody likes me and I have no friends?

"I don't really talk to anyone from this school"

"You talk to me though" He said smiling

"Well we aren't really friends, we just happen to be together at the wrong times."

"Oh. I thought we were friends"

my heart broke. He looked crushed and sad. I had to say something to fix it.

"But we can start to be friends? If you um still want to?" His eyes lit up.

"Yeah, that'd be awesome." He said smiling and I couldn't help but to smile back.

"Me and Jessica were supposed to go see a movie this weekend but we obviously aren't anymore. Would you want to come with me?"

My heart that broke into a million pieces began to be put back together.

"Yeah, I'd love that" I say smiling

"Great! Give me your phone and I'll put in my number"

I pass him my phone and he creates a new contact for himself and then passes it back to me.

"Okay well I have hockey practice after school so I'm going to go get ready. I'll text you tonight. Bye Clayton"

I say bye and began to process the conversation I just had. I can't believe I'm seeing a movie with Alexander. I grabbed my things and went to my locker to get my jacket then went home. I was in such a great mood and couldn't wait for tomorrow.

Love Me Like It's Our Last Day Alive (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now