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It's the weekend now and my little cousin came over. He's 9 and loves hockey and the outdoors. He kind of reminds me of Alexander.

"Why don't you take Thomas to the arena so he can go skating?" Mom said

"Yeah sure, he'll like that. We'll be back by 5" I said and left to get my coat on and Thomas get his skates.

It was a longer walk to the skating rink so we took a bus there. I hate riding on public transit, people don't cover their mouths, it's always dirty, and must've the time crowded. A bus transfer 15 minutes later, we arrived at the arena. I hadn't been here since I was Thomas's age but it looked the exact same. Thomas got his skates on and went on the ice, I just sat on the bleachers watching him. He was a good hockey player and I think it's something he'll do for his career or something.

"You like hockey?" A voice says behind me and I quickly turn. It's Alexander.

"I-it's okay I guess, I'm just here watching my cousin"

"He's good at skating"

"Yeah, he is. Are you here to skate too?"

"I have hockey tryouts in an hour but I got in a fight with my mom so I just left early" I could tell he was a bit upset.

"Oh. I'm sorry" I didn't know what else to say.

"It's fine. My name's Alexander by the way"

"Yeah I know. You're the captain of the hockey team, the most popular guy at school. Anyways, my name is Clayton"

"Nice to meet you. I should probably start to get ready for tryouts. I'll see you at school"

And then he was gone before I could say anything else. I can't believe he talked to me. He must've remembered me from the two times we ran into each other.

On my way home I couldn't stop thinking about the conversation me and him had. He had actually talked to me, he even asked who I was. That was the first real conversation I had with anyone from school. He didn't seem so stuck up and perfect like he appeared to be, he had real problems like everyone else.

When we got home we had dinner then Thomas and my aunt left and I went to my bedroom. I started watching gossip girl and before I knew it, it was 12:00 AM. School was tomorrow and I forgot to do my English homework. I had to read this book which was just 3 pieces of paper with pages printed on it and answer these 10 questions. I guess I'll just do it in the morning before school. I turned off my light and TV and closed my eyes. I started thinking about Alexander and whether or not he'll remember me tomorrow. I opened my eyes again to see my clock read 12:43 AM, I signed and close my eyes. This time I didn't think of anything and I fell fast asleep.

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