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We arrived at the park. It was older and the play area was starting to rust, but it was generally nice. Alexander's blue eyes shimmered in the bright sunlight, he was gorgeous. I was staring at him too long I guess because he turned to me smiling. I know he wasn't gay and he would never but I think I loved him. We stopped and sat down on a picnic table. I sunk into my jacket trying to escape the cold autumn wind.

"Are you okay? If you don't like it, we can go to a restaurant?" Alexander asked

"No, no. It's okay, just a bit cold." I said faking a smile so he wouldn't feel bad

"I made some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch and pie for dessert."

"Sounds delicious! I'm starving."

Alexander started to chuckle a bit.

"Me too! Let's dig in!"

We ate for the next 30 minutes. Laughing and talking for the hour after that.

"Have you talked to Cameron or any of your other teammates since the incident?" I asked

"No but I honestly couldn't give a shit. They're not my friends, you are."

I felt a warm sensation go through my body and my heart started to beat fast. I felt like my insides were melting and going to vomit out of my mouth. I couldn't control myself, I shut my eyes and put my lips onto Alex's. His lips were moist and tasted like apple from the pie we just had. What the fuck was I thinking?! What did I just do?? Fuck!!!

Alexander lightly pushed his lips on mine, and used his tongue quickly touched mine for just a second before he pulled off of me. He looked kind of pissed but kind of enjoying it? Why has he kissed me back? We sat there in silence. I was trying my best to hold in the tears.

"Why? Why'd you do that?" Alexander asked softly. Not mad because there was no emotion there at all, he was just sitting there.

"I'm so fucking sorry, Alex. I know I shouldn't have done that. I'm so sorry-" my tears began to roll down my face and I couldn't control myself, I was ugly crying in public. Alexander was probably embarrassed and ashamed for kissing a stupid faggot like me.

Before I could cry anymore, Alexander planted his lips onto mine, held my face, and said, "it'll be okay. I'm here and it's going to be okay." He started to cry after that, not ugly crying though, it was passionate crying. I slowly broke from his kiss to speak.

"You don't have to do this. I know you're not gay." I said staring at the table.

"Why do I have to label myself? The only think I know right now is that I want you and I love you."

We began to kiss again. He was gentle and the kiss was passionate. I could feel his tongue explore my mouth as Alexander's strong arms started to embrace me. I felt loved.

Love Me Like It's Our Last Day Alive (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now