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It's been an hour since Alexander's breakdown. He was in his bed watching TV. I had made him lunch and some snacks. He was so precious.

"Hey. Can I ask you something?" I said

He looked at me. His eyes were puffy and red and his arms trembling. I didn't think this was a good time to ask but the words just flew out of my mouth.

"Remember what you said about your dad? Him saying he'd hurt you if you were gay? Well um are you?"

My heart started to beat rapidly. His eyes grew more focused and his mouth began to move.

"No, I'm not gay. My dad just hated people who were different I guess."

"Oh okay." I said almost crying

"But hey, you'll always be my best friend and I'm going to help find you a boyfriend, okay?"

Did he just say best friend and he'll help find me a boyfriend? Wow this day oddly keeps getting better for me anyway. We hugged for a minute and laughed a talked.

"So do you think you're mom would care that you got suspended?" I asked

"No, well, maybe. But I don't care to be honest."

"Is that a good thing or bad thing?"

"I don't really know." Alexander said in response

The whole day we just did what we usually did, watched movies and talked. I asked about his childhood and he asked about mine. He didn't really talk about it though, I think he felt embarrassed because he didn't do a lot as a kid.

"Want to order pizza?" Alexander asked

"Yeah sure!"

I love pizza. Me and mom always gets pizza when we are out shopping it something. It makes me feel happy. Alexander smiled when seeing my expression.

"Great. What toppings?"

"Pepperoni and cheese?"

"Okay. I'll call and order it now."

He went downstairs to order the food while I stayed up in his room. His room was a lot bigger than mine, almost half the size of my apartment. He also had a lot of clothes like a lot. I think he was rich but I wasn't 100% sure. I had grown up in poverty so I didn't really know who was rich or just middle classed.

"I ordered the pizza." Alexander said walking into the room

I smiled and we talked a bit before it arrived. About 30 minutes later, we got a knock on the door. We went downstairs to get it . It was the pizza delivery person with our pizza. The smell was delicious and we quickly began to eat.

"I love pizza." I said taking a bite

"Me too. It's nice having you over here so I don't have to eat alone." Alexander said

I think it's safe to say that Alexander and I are best friends. We just click instantly. I'm kind of over him being not gay, I mean I'll always wish he was but having him as a best friend instead of a boyfriend is good too.

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