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After eating pizza, we went back to his room and watched a movie before falling asleep. I woke up around 1:00AM to hear Alexander snoring quietly. His cute face was pushed against his light blue pillow. His perfect lips had a little smile on them, he was perfect. My heart began to race faster & faster as I began to touch his arm. His cream coloured skin was tight against his muscles with little blonde hairs pricking out of his skin. I stayed touching his arm for about 15 minutes before falling asleep again.

The Next Morning

"Good morning!" Alexander said cheerfully

It was now Friday and surprisingly my mom said I could stay until Alex's mom got back as long as I behaved myself and called her every night. I think this is also good for my mom since she can now work more to get more money.

Alexander started to get dressed while I was still in his bed. He started to get dressed when his underwear began to grow. He was erected. His penis looked big although he was still wearing his boxers. I soon began to feel myself become erected. Alexander's face turned red and he quickly put his hands over it.

"I-I'm S- I need to go to the bathroom." He quickly said before rushing away

I hope he didn't think it was weird that I saw. Maybe I saw staring too long. He probably feels uncomfortable now, and it's all my ducking fault! I ruin everything.

A couple minutes later Alexander came out of his washroom still covering his crotch area with his hands.

"Clayton, I just wanted to say I'm sorry and I know it must've made you uncomfortable since you're.. gay."

He's apologizing to me?? What?

"It's okay. It wasn't bad- I mean the situation wasn't bad, but um your thing isn't bad either."

Just than Alexander began to laugh and jumped on the bed. Once he had calmed down he looked at me with his beautiful blue eyes.

"Clayton, I feel more comfortable with you than I do with any of my other friends or hockey team. You being gay doesn't matter in our friendship and don't ever think I'll react differently because of it. I love you...like a brother."

My exploded into a bright smile. He considers me family?

"Thanks Alex. You're like a brother to me as well." I said still smiling

"Want to go to the park? It's just a 20 min walk away from the house, we can have a picnic or something if you want?" Alexander asked

"Yeah sure! That sounds better than rewatching all your movies."

We began to laugh some more before getting ready to leave. In the first time in my whole entire life, I feel like my family is Completed.

Love Me Like It's Our Last Day Alive (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now