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I woke up this morning to my mom making waffles which are my favourite. It's a Monday so a week of hell until I can relax again. It's also been exactly one week since that bathroom thing with Alexander. Whenever I see him walking in the halls or in the caf, he never gives me eye contact but I shouldn't be hurt since he's straight and dating the most popular girl in school, Jessica. I heard she sleeps with college guys and he just pretends to not notice or he just doesn't care. They don't seem happy, I never seen them together, they're always with their friend groups but this isn't my problem so I shouldn't worry.

I eat my waffles and start to walk to school. It's only a twenty minute walk from my apartment to the school. I smile and think positive because without a positive mindset you're more likely to have a worse day or something, I read that on a zodiac signs Facebook page. And before I know it I'm at school.

The whole day goes by fast and is pretty easy, I didn't have any group work in English and my old bulky didn't recognize me in History. This day was actually great because I also got my math test back, I got 89% which was amazing for me since I'm terrible at math.

5th period just started, which is the last period of the class, and we have a supply and since it's art so we'll just have to do a colouring sheet or something.

The period is almost done when the teacher walks by and tells me I need to get paperwork from the office about community hours or something. I jump out of my seat and head to the office on the other end of school. I walk while listening to 'Hymn' by Kesha, the song makes me feel like I'm not alone, like it's okay for me to be me, like I'm with people who understand me and I'm safe. I wasn't paying attention attention when I turn the corner and bump into someone. It's Alexander.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." I say nervously.

He gives me a small smile. I had never seen him smile before, he must be in a good mood or something.

"It's okay, it's not like you purposely ran into me, right?"

"No! Of course not.

I would never do that" he begins to laugh a little like he thinks I'm stupid or something.

"Relax kid, I was only joking"

he smiles at me one last time and walks away.

I can't believe I just touched his body, I could feel his abs under his shirt.

I got to the office and grabbed a couple of papers for my mom to sign. There were less than 3 minutes until the bell rang, so I quickly walked back to class.

When I got home my mom was at her part time job like usually, she worked 3 jobs just so I would have a house and food, I loved her so much. Without her I don't know where I would be. I layer down and watched a movie on Netflix. I had some math homework but I decided to do it before I went to be which was a bad idea since I'm usually too tired to do anything after 10.

As I'm watching the movie I can't stop thinking about Alexander and why he smiled at me, like he must've thought it was funny because of how embarrassing I am, right?

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