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Alexander and I had just finished breakfast and were getting ready for school. I was kinda excited for school today as I would be surrounded by Alexander and his friends. Apparently they're all accepting of my sexuality and were excited to meet me.

"Hey, are you almost ready for school?" Alex said walking past me

"Yeah, I'm kind of nervous though."

"Hey, look at me, it'll be okay and I'll be with you throughout the whole day."

I could see his beautiful blue eyes, they looked liked they were a gateway to the ocean. His brown messy hair was touching my forehead and I could feel him breathing on me.

"But you're not in any of my classes." I said in a whisper

"I've found people in all your classes to watch you, you'll be safe. Trust me."

I gulped. His face was so close to mine. I just wanted to kiss his perfect lips. I wanted him to be mine.

"Thanks Alex. Without you I don't know where'd I be. I'd be lost without you."

"I'd be lost without you too, Clayton. You've changed me in a good way."

I smiled and he left to grab his bag and some homework he had done. I couldn't keep my eyes off him.

"Are you sure you're feeling good enough for school? I don't mind missing another day if you're not feeling up to it."

"It's okay Alex, I'm feeling fine."


He smiles and we walk to the bus stop waiting for the bus. It's getting colder each day. Winter is almost here. The bus pulls up and we walk inside, we sit at the end alone. I hate public transit but with him nothing matters. I wonder if he feels that was too. After 20 minutes we arrived at school. People gathered in circles outside of the school with their friends, people laughing and some even crying. I hated school.

"Ready to meet my friends?" Alex said as we emptied the bus.

I was nervous to meet them, they were popular and I simply wasn't. We slowly walked towards the group of people closest to the door. Most of them were hockey players and others were just popular. They didn't notice us until Alex said hi. Some friends they are.

"Hey guys, this is Clayton, the guy I was talking about."

"The Gay one?" A blonde haired guy who was on the hockey team said

"His name is Clayton. He's not just the "gay guy" okay?" Alex responded

"Sure. My name is Cameron but you can call me Cam." The blonde haired guy said

"Nice to meet you, I'm Clayton." I said with a smile

"You okay hockey?" Cam asked

"No. I'm not really into sports."

Cameron looked confused for a second before responding.

"Oh okay."

"But I don't mind watching sports." I quickly said

Alexander looked at me surprised. I had never mentioned liking sports or anything.

"Sweet. Well I'm going to go to class, I'll see you around Clayton."

I smiled. I've been here for 5 minutes and I've already made some friends. Well I think they're my friends.

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