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Alex called me for breakfast and we ate pancakes. Breakfast was my favourite meal of the day, I loved how the sun was always Brighton's and shining. I felt safe and secure. The pancakes Alex made were truly delicious. I didn't know he was such a great cook.

We ended up watching movies for most of the day. They were all kind of boring though. I couldn't help not looking at him when he wasn't paying attention. He had a beautiful jawline, beautiful hair, and beautiful bright blue eyes. Whenever you looked into them it's like you were transferred to a warm beach in the Caribbean.

"My mom won't be here for the next two weeks, apparently she has business in New York but I know she's in Europe with her secret boyfriend, so if you want you can stay here until she gets back. It'll keep me company."

"Yeah sure! My mom won't mind that I'll be gone."

Alex smiled. I think he is lonely when his mom isn't here which I think is often.

"Do you want to go in the hot tub?" Alexander said

"Wait What? You have a hot tub? Uh of course I want to go!" I said excitedly

"Yeah it's in the backyard." He said pointing and laughing

Alexander let me borrow a bathing suit. It was nice looking, it had colourful patterns on it.

When I had gotten dressed and walked down to the hot tub half naked, he was already there. His bathing suit was a lot tighter and smaller and it made him look hotter. His body glistened against the sun. We quickly got in and started to talk.

"Wow I have never been in a hot tub before, it feels wonderful."

"Yeah. I love to come in here and relax especially when it's colder out."

I closed my eyes and began to relax. This is what I needed. Having Alex here with me just made me happy and safe.

"Have you ever had a boyfriend before?"

I opened my eyes and looked at alex.

"No, I have not. But once in grade 2 I kissed a boy, but I don't know if I'd consider that my first kiss."

"Oh." Is all he said

"What about you? I mean was Jessica your only girlfriend?"

"I've have others but we dated since Grade 9 so I suppose she's my only actual relationship."

"What was your first kiss like? Was it with her?"

"Me and her were at a party, we had been dating for a week and she was drunk. I was talking to some friends when she had come over and started to make out with me. She didn't even remember it the day after."

His first kiss was from Jessica, a girl who was probably having sex with some random guy that night while he was talking his friend. I felt bad for him. His life was anything but perfect. Alexander had put on this facade of being this perfect hockey player, but I knew the truth.

"I'm sorry to hear that. I guess both of our first kisses were bad." I said

"Why don't we make a meaningful new one?"

"What do you mean?"

But before I could say anything else his lips were pressed against mine. I felt like every inch of my body had just gone numb, I felt sparks. Did this mean he was gay?

Alexander carefully took his lips off mine and smiled.

"There, we had our first kiss. I would have preferred a girl but this was good enough." He said jokingly

"Yeah." I awkwardly laughed.

So he's not gay? My dreams were shattered. How could he kiss me like that? Didn't he know I'd get emotional being gay and all?

The rest of the day we just talked and laughed. We watched some TV and a couple of movies. This day had been perfect. No, amazing. We headed up to bed and went to sleep. I woke up in the middle of the night to see Alex's arm wrapped around my waist and him right against my back. I could feel the beating of his heart. It felt like when you hear a song and forgot all about it until years later when you hear it again. This song was beautiful and I didn't want it to end.

Love Me Like It's Our Last Day Alive (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now