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I got up and remembered my stupid English homework that still needed to be done. I got dressed and quickly did it instead of eating breakfast. My mom had already left for work but made me my lunch before she left, she was honestly the best mom ever. I finished my homework and quickly ate an apple before leaving for school.

I had math first period which I hated. I was always tired plus naturally bad at math. Our teacher, Mr. Muffield, was loud and annoying, he always made us do motivation Monday's which we're basically you doing an activity that wasn't really motivational at all. The period went by slow, an hour and 15 minutes felt like five hours. When the bell rang, everyone quickly rushed out but I was told to stay behind.

"Clayton, how have you been? Everything okay at home?"

"Yes, everything is fine. Why?"

I had never been told to stay behind in class or have a teacher ask that.

"You're failing this class" he said bluntly.

"Oh. I-I'm sorry, I'll try harder"

after that I left the room, trying to hold my tears in. I knew my mom would just tell me that it's okay and math isn't for everyone, but I still felt like a failure.

Second period which was English went by slow as well but at least we just watched a movie. The movie was actually just a voice over video of a Edgar Allen Poe book and we had to answer like 40 questions that nobody actually did. It was boring but I liked days like these. The bell rang and it was lunchtime which meant I would sit at a table all alone while people walked by giving me no attention. I felt like i was invisible and nobody could see me.

My mom had made me a sandwich and I had a granola bar. The chocolate covered ones were my favourite. After eating, I just read a book. It was about if Hitler didn't die and what would the world look like or something. It was interesting.

It was almost time for class so I started to clean up. While I was throwing out my garbage, I had dropped by book my accident. I just hope my bookmark didn't fall out. I was about to grab it when someone else quickly grabbed it and handed it to me. Someone actually did something nice for me for once. I smiled and looked up to see it was Alexander. He was wearing a jacket with his hockey team name on it. He looked so cute.

"I think this belongs to you" he sad with a little smile

"Yeah it does, thanks" I said smiling

"It's Clayton right?"


"Well we should head to class now."

He then walked back to his girlfriend who was talking to some members of the hockey team and they all walked away.

I couldn't believe he remembered my name. I think I have a crush on him now and I knew it was bad to like a straight guy but he was just so hot. I grabbed my things and headed to class. It was the first time in forever that I actually felt happy about school.

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