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All throughout the night I couldn't sleep, I just kept thinking of what that guy did at school and how hopeless I felt. Alexander's warm hand laid on my chest. I didn't want to move it, I liked the way it felt even if he didn't mean to put it there it still felt right. He was so cute when he slept. I quickly shut up eyes pretending to sleep when Alex started to move. When he realized where his hand was, he quickly removed it and turned over to face the wall. My chest felt cold without the heat of his body on it. I soon fell back to sleep.

I opened my eyes to see sunlight pouring inwards. Alex was on his phone next to me.

"Good morning." He said smiling "how was your sleep?"

I yawned and stretched my arms.

"It was great, how about yours?"

"Mine was good. I was uh thinking that today we skip school? Unless you don't want to?"

Of course I wanted to skip school, I hated it.

"Yeah, I think that'd be good. I still need some more time to heal." I said with a smile

"Good. I'll go make you some breakfast"

"You don't have to leave right now. I'm not that hungry yet."

He laughed a little

"Okay good, I didn't feel like moving yet."

He really was the cutest human I had ever laid eyes on. I just wish he wasn't straight.

"Should I fall your mom telling her what happened and that you won't be at school?" Alexander asked

"No don't. She'll just worry and make me come home. I'm sure she wouldn't mind me missing some school."

"Okay I won't. But while we're on the subject of your mom, when do you think I'll meet her? Will she even like me?"

"She'll probably like you and since your my only friend she'll just fake it to make me happy if she doesn't like you already, but who wouldn't like you? You're kind and a really good friend."

"Thanks man, that means a lot. I just don't feel comfortable around friends parents the first time I meet them, you know?"

"Oh that's understandable, but don't worry too much, it's not like you're my boyfriend or anything" I began to laugh a little

"Yeah, you're right." Alexander said awkwardly laughing

I think I'm his only true friend. I mean, he has lots of friends, he's the most popular guy at school, but a lot of them are just people from hockey or people who just like him for being popular. I don't like him for any of those things though, I like him because he's caring, funny, nice, and the fact that he is here for me when nobody else is.

"So I'm going to eat lunch with you and your friends tomorrow right?"

"Yes and for the rest of the year. I mean if you want to. I don't want to force you or anything."

"No, no. You're not forcing me. Of course I'll hang out with you and your friends."

"And soon they'll probably be our friends. You'll really like them, they're nice and they'll protect you if I'm not there. I'll tell them you're gay for you so you won't have to tell them and be awkward."

"Yeah sure. Thanks again Alex for everything you've done for me, I appreciate it a lot."

"Yeah no problem. What are friends for right?"

"Yeah." I said with a smile

"I'll go make breakfast, I'll call you down when it's done, okay?"

"Yeah sure." I say

Everyday I spend with Alexander I fall deeper and deeper in love with him. I hope he doesn't find out because it'll wreck our friendship for sure.

Love Me Like It's Our Last Day Alive (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now