Loved or Unloved?: Chapter 2 - True Colors

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CHAPTER TWO: True Colors

Once I reached the school, I quickly parked my car and briefly checked my reflection before I exited my car. After I locked the car, I took my time walking towards the grand school entrance so I could look around the surroundings.

The school was situated on a 50 acre land and the brochure also informed me of its luxurious facilities such as three Olympic sized swimming pools, toilets equipped with saunas, gym rooms, air conditioned class rooms, three large halls and so much more. Outside, there were students chatting happily, students revising and students who just arrived in their various types of expensive vehicles.

Pushing open the grand entrance of Richmond High, I couldn’t help but gawk at the high ceilings, chandeliers, gold wallpapers, beautiful rows of large and newly painted lockers and lounge sofas around the long, seemingly endless decorated hall. This is looks more like a hotel than a school and it looked far from my previous public school.

Realizing I had to go get my timetable, I walked down the hall in my 10-dollar skinny jeans, plain black and baby pink polka-dotted tee and immediately felt out of place. The students here were dressed in hundred-dollar jeans, branded bags and limited edition dresses. I regretted my clothing choice because this was definitely not going to leave a good first impression.

After 10 minutes of wandering around the huge school, I finally found the office. I pushed open the glass door and walked up nervously to the secretary there. “Hello, my name is Sophie Meyers and I’m new here.”

The secretary, Miss Brown, her nametag read, cheerily replied, “Miss Meyers! Good to have you here!” while passing me a brown thick envelope that was labeled with my name.

“It’s good to be here,” I said timidly and thanked her after I’ve taken the envelope. Then I politely excused myself and left the office. I glanced at the timetable and saw that my first class was Biology. I walked around endless hallways for another 10 minutes in search for my Biology class but I still couldn’t find it. I panicked when I checked my watch. Time was running out.

Randomly making a turn, I found myself in yet another long hallway. Taking another random turn, I sighed with relief as I saw Anna’s familiar face. I walked up to her and her group of blond friends. “Anna, sorry to interrupt. Do you know where is room 204, for Biology?” I boldly asked. Anna looked at me distastefully.

“We have the same class, just follow me. Please act like you don’t know me. I don’t want to be seen with you.” Seriously? How old is she? She acts like a kid. Putting my pride aside, I followed her slender body and long wavy blond hair down hallways after hallways and after many, many complicated twists and turns, we finally arrived at room 204 just in time before the loud shrill of the bell rang. I hurried in the class and took a seat at the back, trying to blend in and attract as little attention as possible.

Mr. Grey walked in not too long after and the class immediately went back to their seats and all of them quieted down. “Good morning class, good to see all of you back and healthy again. I see this year we have a new student, Miss. Meyers. Miss. Meyers, please come up here and introduce yourself.”

Shit, I hate introductions and I have been dreading this moment. I slowly walked to the front of class then turned to face the students. “Hi, I’m Sophie Meyers, I was from Westwood High and I just moved to this neighborhood not too long ago,” I said in a small voice.

A blond boy in the back with bulging muscles smirked. “Isn’t that a public school?” he asked.

“Yes, it is,” I replied

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