Loved or Unloved?: Chapter 13 - Hurting inside

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CHAPTER THIRTEEN: Hurting inside

I quickly took out my phone and texted them. ‘How did it go??’ and sent it to the both of them. After a few minutes, they both replied.

Zac: ‘Fine. Where are you?’ I replied with ‘outside Starbucks, am in my car I didn’t leave.

Nick: ‘U r so dead Sophie!!’ I replied with ‘No, I’m alive. You can thank me later! *happy dance*’

Zac: ‘I’m coming’ and I replied the hated one-word replies: ‘k.’

Nick: ‘I’m not kidding.’ After reading his message, a shiver went down my spine but I quickly brushed it off. Nick wouldn’t hurt me, would he? Nah, he wouldn’t, a small voice inside my head told me. But maybe he will, another voice said. Realizing I was talking to myself and probably gone insane, I quickly got out of the car and waited for Zac. After a few minutes, I saw a Lamborghini Reventon park with professional speed nearby. Once Zac got out he quickly came over to me and wrapped his arms around me.

“Hey Soph,” he said huskily.

“Hey! Tell me, how was the um.. making up?”

“It was… fine,”

“Zac, tell me the truth,”

“Um, well. We ended up shouting and swearing at each other so the shop manager came out and kicked us out,”

“ZAC!” I shrieked, annoyed.

“What?” he asked, innocently.

“Did you even apologize?”

“Er.. I..” he trailed off, looking guilty.

I sighed and turned to walk back to my car before I felt myself being pulled back and engulfed into a big strong bear hug. “ZAC!” I screamed.

“Heh, sorry,” he apologized, letting me go. Once I got out of his grasp I marched towards my car but before I even got three steps away, I felt his strong, muscled arm wrap around my waist gently before he lowered himself to whisper to my ears. “Sophhhhhh, don’t be mad, we can do something better if you promise me you’ll stop being mad,” he said seductively. I groaned. He was making this hard for me!

“Zac, do you realize that Nick’s your best friend right? You shouldn’t…” I stopped mid-sentence as I felt Zac’s lips on mine and all sensible thoughts flew out on my mind immediately and left my mind to concentrate on Zac and Zac alone. After what seemed like eternity, Zac pulled away and smirked at me.

“Oh wow that sure did shut you up,” he laughed and I smacked him on the arm, still speechless from it.

“Is Sophie speechless? Call 911! I think I’ve never seen her so quiet before. I should do this more!” he laughed at his own joke.

“You. Suck,” I hollered.

“But you love me anyway,”

“I don-“ and once again I was cut off with an intense kiss from Zac and I felt his arms snaked around my waist, pulling me impossibly closer to him and once again, all worries and anger went away, leaving me in pure bliss. I couldn’t even control my senses as I just followed his lead. He nibbled on my bottom lip and before I could protest, he pulled away.

“I’m sorry, I can’t do this,” he said.

“Um, Zac, are you alright? Why not?” I asked, worried that I did something wrong.

“I can’t live with the guilt anymore Sophie,” and I saw tears fall down his eyes.

“What’s wrong? Is it something I did?”

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