Loved or Unloved?: Chapter 9 - Realization

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CHAPTER NINE: Realization

A week has passed since I found out about the murder of my father. When Jade, Zac and Nick were around, I would try to put on a smile so they wouldn’t worry or feel bad for me. I made Jade promise not to tell Zac or Nick, but the worry in their eyes tells me that they know something is up with me, but they understood enough to not pry. The three of them would always be by my side, cheering me up with lame jokes, making me forget all about my father’s murder. Jade agreed when I said I thought it might just be a sick joke, but her eyes tell me otherwise.

Whenever I am alone, I feel this creepy feeling of something or someone watching me, causing me even more sleepless nights and the fact that Anna still had my doll didn’t help. In the past week, I’ve slept less than three hours a day because I’ve developed a phobia of sleeping. Every time I fall asleep, I get scary, terror-filled nightmares about my father. The tiredness and weariness I felt because of my lack of sleep is slowly getting to me. I can no longer concentrate in classes and my food intake lessened drastically because I didn’t have the appetite to eat. I tried to put up a smile for my friends, mother and Gerald, so they wouldn’t worry.

As I yawned during Mr. Grey’s lesson and felt my eyelids droop and threaten to close, I felt weak, tired and vulnerable. I knew I had to do something about this. I had to find out whether this ‘murder’ was real or not because I was slowly falling apart, both physically and mentally.

“Class is dismissed!” Mr. Grey said and a moment after the bell rang. I pushed the books into my back and walked slowly towards the door.

“Miss Meyers, would you come here for a second?” asked Mr. Grey. I internally groaned, but walked over to his desk.

“Can I help you with anything, Mr. Grey?”

“No, no. I just noticed you look like you’re haven’t been sleeping well and that you hardly pay attention in class lately. Is everything alright at home?” he asked in a concerned tone.

“Yeah,” I said, trying to sound more cheery.

“Alright then. Our school has some great counselors, so you can talk to them about things. You can talk to me too,” Mr. Grey said kindly. I smiled at him and nodded.

“Thanks, Mr. Grey,” he smiled back and dismissed me so I continued my walk towards the lunchroom, stopping by my locker first. I spun the combination and was putting my books and bag in when Zac appeared beside me.

“Hey Sophie, let’s go to the lunchroom together.”

“Sure,” I agreed. Suddenly, I felt a bag collide with my side as someone rushed past me, causing me to sway to a side. My weariness caught up with me that moment as I felt the hallway spin and the students’ laughter and voices slowly began to fade away. Soon, I felt my body slump to the ground as my legs gave out.

“Sophie!” I faintly heard Zac shout, but I was too weak to answer him.

“Sophie!” he shouted again while gently shaking me. I tried to open my mouth to answer him, but I was too tired. Suddenly, Zac’s strong arms slid under my body and then I was lifted up. It felt as though I was flying. At some point, Zac slowed down and eventually stopped walking.

“Just this once,” I heard Zac murmur. Then, I felt my something soft and warm touch my lips. I wanted to open my eyes it felt like an impossible task so I didn’t even attempt it. Zac started walking again seconds after the soft and warm thing left my lips. After some time, Zac quickened his steps as he neared his destination.

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