Loved or Unloved?: Chapter 20 - Raining tears

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CHAPTER TWENTY: Raining tears

“I’m so bored,” complained Jade.

I rolled my eyes at her. “Stop complaining. It’s the tenth time you’ve said it.”

“But I really am bored! I wonder how did Zac pass his time when he was in the hospital.”

“He sure as hell didn’t complain as much as you.”

“Do you think Nick visited him every day? I wonder if Nick will visit me today…” Jade trailed off with a dreamy look on her face.

I raised my eyebrows at her. “Nick?”

“Yup!” I smiled. Maybe it was time for me to play cupid.

“Does someone have a crush?” I asked breezily.

“Ooh! Let me guess. Is it… you?”

“No, it’s you Jade. It’s obvious you like Nick.” Jade blushed.

“I do not!”

“Sure, whatever helps you sleep better at night!”

“My bolster.”


“You asked me what helps me sleep better at night, so I said my bolster,” explained Jade.

I chuckled. “Jade, it was sarcasm, not a question.”

“What’s this sarcasm we speak of?” a male voice asked. Jade and I both turned our heads to the door and saw both Nick and Zac standing there. I rolled my eyes at Nick’s attempt of a joke.

“Hi guys!” chirped Jade cheerfully.

“Hey,” replied Zac and Nick.

“Thanks for coming, Sophie was being so boring.”

“You are such an ungrateful friend, Jade. I’ve been here for hours, entertaining you!”

“Well, you didn’t entertain me at all.”

“Let’s all chill down and watch the Olympics, ladies,” Zac suggested.

“Sure,” Jade and Nick agreed.

“I’m going to the toilet, be back soon,” I told them and grabbed my handbag from the chair before exiting the room to the chaos filled hospital. Lately, I’ve been in the hospital a lot because of Zac and Jade so I know most corners of the hospital and I’ve tried almost everything they serve in the hospital’s cafeteria. There are also little details I’ve never noticed in a hospital. Before this, whenever someone says the word ‘hospital’, I immediately think of tranquil white room with doctors saving people and nurses to help the doctors. I also think of the people who die in the hospital and their family members who break into tears because of losing a loved one.

But now, when I think of ‘hospital’, I think of life. I think of how lucky I am that I’m not one of the patients at a hospital and I also think of the new lives born in a hospital. The joy of having a new grandchild, child, sibling or cousin is heartwarming. Sure, there are people who pass but there are equally as much people who are brought to this world. Hospitals aren’t just sad places, they are a happy places as well.

Avoiding the rushing doctors and nurses, lowering my head in respect for those who lost a relative, smiling to those who are welcoming a new member into their family, I finally reached the toilet. Randomly choosing a cubicle, I got in and locked it. Taking out my phone from my bag, I keyed in my passcode before scrolling down my recent incoming calls. After I found the number I was looking for, I called it.

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