Loved or Unloved?: Chapter 23 - You win some, you lose some

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CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE: You win some, you lose some

“They ran out of waffle fries! Will normal fries do?” Jade shouted to me all the way from the counter.

“Yeah!” I shouted back.

Jade shook her head. “I can’t hear you!” she shouted.

“Yes!” I shouted, louder this time, causing some customers shoot me a dirty look. Ignoring their annoyed stares, swiped around my phone for something to do while waiting for Jade to come back with the food.

Scrolling through my messages, I stopped when I came to Zac’s message. After I told him I loved him, he hung up and my heart felt like it was stabbed several times. The pain I felt wasn’t physical but it was just as painful. I quickly called Jade after that and cried to her on the phone, not answering her questions. Soon, she gave up asking so we spent a few hours on the phone. I was crying like a baby and Jade’s consolation did no good but I just needed to hear her soothing voice. When we finally hung up, I noticed I had a text message from Zac telling me to meet him at McDonalds today at 12pm.

Even though I don’t know what to expect, here I am, dressed to impress in plain yet stylish modern baby pink dress with ruffled sleeves that ended just above my knees. I locked my phone and used the black screen as a mirror to check out my reflection for the hundredth time since I came here. My makeup was still in place and my straightened hair looked better than ever. I puckered up my lips and smiled at my reflection, then looked around to make sure no one saw that before keeping my phone back into my handbag. When I looked back up, I saw Jade’s satisfied face and heard her moans of pleasure. Jade must have walked like a silent ninja because I didn’t even notice she was back with the food. I let out a chuckle at the sight of her devouring her burger and raised an eyebrow at her.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” questioned Jade after a while, momentarily stopping her eating.

“You look like a baboon with long hair that just discovered a burger.”

“Holy mama cow say whaaaat?”

I laughed. “Don’t choke on your food, Jade. Chew before eating,” I said, emphasizing each and every word with an interval of a few seconds between continuing, making it sound like I was talking to a baby rather than a teenager. Jade rolled her eyes at me and finished her burger in less than a minute before turning to me expectantly. Something tells me she’s going to ask the question I’ve been dreading to answer.

“So, what happened? Why did you cry like that yesterday on the phone?”

I let out a sigh. “It’s a long story.”

“And we’ve got time,” Jade replied casually and flipped wrist and made herself look like a sophisticated yet retarded person at the same time

Laughing, I told her the whole story. From the moment I entered the warehouse all to Zac’s text to meet up. I left no detail out. All throughout my story, Jade silently listened, not even interrupting once. When I finished telling the story, her mouth was opening and closing but no sound came out.

“So Nick hired someone to shoot me?” she asked unbelievingly. I nodded in confirmation.

“And he hurt himself on purpose?” I nodded again.

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah I am.”

“Are you really really sure?” she asked again.


“Are you sure you didn’t hear him wrong?”

“I’m positive, Jade. Super sure I heard him correctly.”

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