Loved or Unloved?: Chapter 6 - Ocean Blue

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I had eye bags when I got up from bed at six in the morning. Because of my vivid nightmares, I didn’t sleep a wink. I yawned all the way to the toilet and took a quick bath to freshen myself up. After tying my hair into a high ponytail, I threw on my favorite long-sleeved blue checkered shirt with and a pair of faded jeans and went down for breakfast.

“Miss, what would you like for breakfast?” a maidservant asked. I jumped a little because the maidservant scared me for a moment. I didn’t thought anyone would be awake at this time.

“Waffles, please,” I answered uncomfortably, still not used to people serving me.

“Anything else?”

“Nope, I’m good, thanks.” I watched as the maidservant slipped into the kitchen to prepare my breakfast and I rest my head on the dining table, planning to close my eyes and rest for a few minutes. And soon, I felt myself drift into dreamless sleep.

“Miss, your waffles are ready,” said the same maidservant, gently shaking me to wake me up. I rubbed my eyes then thanked her. Yawning, I ate the delicious waffles with maple syrup in small bites.

“Oh hello Sophie, how’d you sleep without your doll?” asked Anna with fake concern when she entered the dining room.

“Give it back, Anna.”

“Only if you stop bugging Zac.”


“I’ll be holding onto the doll first.” Anna smirked and then walked out of the dining hall. I groaned in frustration. This would mean I have to avoid Zac which was a very, very hard task seeing as he was so persistent. I finished my waffles and drained down a cup of orange juice then went back up my room and decided to start reading some of the new books I bought the other day with Jade.

After reading a few chapters, I glanced at my clock and it showed 8.10 a.m. I grabbed my car keys which were on my bedside table and made my way down the stairs and to my Volvo. I hopped in, revved the engine, turned on the music and started driving to school with the GPS on. I’ve been driving to school for eight days and I’m still using the GPS to get to school because the roads are just too confusing.

After parking in an available parking lot, I got out of the car and saw Zac talking to his friends, leaning against his Lamborghini Reventon which was parked not too from my car. Remembering Anna and her threat to behead my doll, I lowered my head and walked as fast as possible towards the entrance of Richmond High. Luckily, Zac didn’t notice me. My mood lifted slightly as I saw Jade waiting for me at my locker.

“Hey Sophie!” she chirped happily.


Why do you look so down?”

“Anna,” I answered simply. Jade grimaced and I knew she understood. Thankfully, Jade didn’t ask any questions. I grabbed my Geography books and waited for Jade to grab hers and we both made our way to the class. During the class, I felt myself drift in and out of sleep because the teacher was droning on and on about something I couldn’t care less about.

The bell finally rang, signifying the end of class. I shoved my books into my bag and grabbed Jade’s arm, weaved through the mass of students and made our way to our lunch room, bought our sweet & sour chicken and went out to the garden to eat.

“Avoiding Zac again?” Jade asked.

“You know it.” Jade grinned.

“Too bad, he’s behind you.” I turned around and sure as hell he was standing there a few feet away with an angry expression plastered on his face. He walked over, grimacing. Shit.

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