Loved or Unloved?: Chapter 4 - Truly a Surprise

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CHAPTER FOUR: Truly a Surprise

It’s Monday. I thought I would love the weekend away from school. Instead, I spent the weekend worried and cooped up in my room to avoid Anna and to do some thinking at the same time. Zac might expose all my secrets or he might laugh at me when he sees me in school for spilling my guts to him. There are never ending possibilities of what he would do and frankly, I’m afraid to go to school. What if more paint is sprayed on my locker? How will I face the humiliation again? I really, really don’t want to go to school today.

I stayed on my bed for 10 more minutes, thinking of the excuses I could make up to miss school but decided against it in the end. I slowly peeled myself off the bed and looked at the clock. Shit, it’s already 8.20 and homeroom starts at 8.45. Great, just great. I’ll be getting detention for tardiness on the second week of school.

I threw on a pair of skinny jeans and wore a baby blue T-shirt then quickly raked a comb through my bed hair, washed my face and brushed my teeth, ran down the stairs at full speed, grabbed a bagel from the table and ran to my Volvo in under three minutes. I think that’s a new record for me.

Once again, I found myself driving 10 miles over the limit, but I had a valid reason this time. I was worried that I’ll be late for school but at the same time, I was also worried I’d get a ticket for speeding. After weaving my way through the slow cars, I finally arrived at school. Looking at my watch, 8.40 a.m., I realized I still have time to spare. I hurried into the school’s grand door and I couldn’t help but notice the pitiful stares directed towards me. This made me positive Zac told everyone everything that happened. That asshole.

I literally ran to my locker and noticed it had a fresh coat of paint on it to cover the horrible words, got the books I needed and headed straight for Biology. I arrived seconds before the bell rang. I entered the class and took a seat next to Jade who smiled sadly at me. “Jade, what’s up with the looks?”

Jade was just opening her mouth to answer when Mr. Grey walked in and asked us to quiet down as he started the class. Halfway through the lesson, my curiosity got the best of me and I leaned closer to Jade. “Jade, what’s up with the looks?” I asked once again.

“Miss Meyers, I assume you have something to share with the class?” Mr. Grey asked in a disapproving tone.

“No, I do not,” I replied quietly.

“Then please, settle down and listen to my lesson.” Mr. Grey’s voice seemed to drag on forever as he gave a recap of the things we studied last year. I couldn’t wait for the class to be over so I could talk to Jade. About what felt like an eternity later, the bell finally rang and I hopped out of my seat, pulling Jade to my locker with me.

“Jade, can you please tell me wh-,” I stopped mid-sentence because there he was. That asshole was smiling broadly at two giggling blond clutching tightly onto him, rubbing their boob against his arm. I shoved my way through the crowd and walked up to him with my head held high.

“You asshole, how could you tell everyone?” I screamed at him and pushed him, hard.

He looked at me with a confused face and for one second there, I believed him. “How could you tell the whole school about what happened, you insensitive jerk? You are the worst person ever! Because of you, I was getting annoying looks of pity. I don’t want any pity for god’s sake. You are the most insensitive person alive.” I glared at him.

“What did I do?”

“What did you do? Let me break this down for you. You had the nerves to listen to me spill my guts to you and then tell the whole school? Do you think it’s funny? Are you entertained now? Are you happy seeing me like this?” I screamed at him hysterically. From the looks people gave me they must have thought I was crazy and belonged in a mental asylum.

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