Loved or Unloved?: Chapter 7 - Rekindling

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I was jolted awake by sudden movement. It felt as though I was moving, but my feet were not touching the ground. Am I flying? No wait, that’s stupid. I read too much superhero stories. I felt two strong muscular arms below me and I opened my eyes and saw Nick staring right back at me. He was holding me bridal style just like in the books and movies.

“Did I wake you? I’m sorry,” apologized Nick.

“Nope. Where are we?” I asked groggily.

“The beach. I’m bringing you back to my car. Lunch period is ending in fifteen minutes.”

“Oh okay. Let me down please,” I requested. Nick blushed, but as quickly as the blush came, it disappeared as he put me down and walked quickly back to his Porsche. I followed behind, smiling at Nick’s cuteness.

“Thanks for bringing me here,” I said to Nick once we were in the car.

“It was my pleasure. You look happier.”

“I am.”

“Glad to hear I cheered you up, Sophie.” I smiled, but before I could reply, One Direction’s I Want blasted through the radio speakers. I turned to look at Nick the exact moment he looked at me. Then we both grinned and started singing along to One Direction.

“I didn’t know guys liked One Direction too,” I commented when the song finished playing.

“I have a confession to make.”

“What? Are you going to tell me you turned gay for them?”

“No. I’m actually the sixth member of One Direction.” I burst out laughing.

“Your singing could break glasses and deafen people.”

“Ouch, you wound me,” he said and feigned hurt by putting his hand on his heart. I laughed again. Just as I was to reply, the radio station played another one of One Direction’s songs and we both starting singing along with it as loud as we could.

By the time Richmond High came into view, I felt so much better. I felt like I didn’t have a care in the world after the singing session with Nick. So when we both walked into school after parking his car, I wasn’t even the least bit fazed by the pairs of eyes staring at me.

“I’ve got to go to my locker to grab my books for the next class, see you later,” Nick said before walking off in the opposite direction of my locker. I slowly started towards my locker, but before I could reach it, Jade attacked me.

“Where have you been?”

“At a beach,” I answered dreamily.

“What? A beach?”

“Yup. With Nick.”

“You need to tell me more details.”

“After class,” I promised as I grabbed my books from my locker and made my way to class with Jade following right beside me, trying to pry for more details. I didn’t pay attention in class because my mind was somewhere else. I kept thinking about Nick and his sweetness.

Once the bell rang, I hastily packed my things and walked to my next class with Jade who kept pestering me for details. I didn’t tell her because I wanted to strike her curiosity and leave her wondering about it. I know I’m being mean, but I enjoy seeing her curious expressions. Jade even slipped me a note in class, asking me to write down what happened, but I only shook my head and smiled innocently before pretending to turn my attention back to the teacher.

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