Loved or Unloved?: Chapter 11 - Guilty as charged

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CHAPTER ELEVEN: Guilty as charged

~*~*~*~ Jade’s POV~*~*~*~

I waved goodbye to Sophie before exiting Sophie’s mansion to pick Jamie up from her friend’s house. As I walked to my destination, I couldn’t help but worry about Sophie. It didn’t take a genius to figure out her mental health hasn’t been very stable since the day she got that envelope. Now, she even has her feelings to deal with. Her life is pretty messed up. I want to help her, but what can I do except give her comfort?

The Ethans family really messed up her life. They deserve to rot in prison. I want to help Sophie by finding out more about the Ethans family, but there is this nagging feeling that keeps telling me that I might just be digging my own grave by trying to help her because the Ethans family are black market dealers after all, so they are very dangerous people.

When I arrived at Jamie’s friend’s house, I rang the doorbell. Just before I could take a step back, Jamie flung the door open and bounded out of the house.

“Sis, I missed you!” she said while hugging me ever so tightly. I chuckled.

“But we just saw a few hours ago.”

“I know. I missed you a lot during that few hours.”

“I missed you too, Jamie.”

“Why do you look so sad, sissie?”

“Er, no reason.”

“Hey Jamie?”

“Yeah, sissie?”

“If you had a friend who was in trouble, would you help her out even with the risk that you might get dragged down with her?” Jamie frowned, a sign that she didn’t understand.

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“Never mind,” I said, meekly smiling at her. I must be stupid asking an eleven year old for advice.

“Well, I would help her, because she’s my friend, and friends always help each other,” Jamie replied after thinking for a while.

“They do, don’t they?” I said while deep in thought. Jamie might just be eleven, but her innocence made her understand the importance of helping others. Jamie seemed to sense that I was deep in thought, so she kept quiet as I held her small hand and walked her home.

“Hey mom, I’m going to the National Library!” I shouted once I dropped Jamie off at home.

“Okay! Be home for dinner!” I closed the front door and began walking the familiar path to the National Library. I didn’t know what I was going to look for, but I had a gut feeling that the answers I needed were there.

The moment I pushed open the old oak doors, the familiar smell of the library greeted me. I waved in greeting to the librarian who sat there with her glasses perched on her nose as she read a book. She waved back and smiled at me. I came here so often that even the librarian recognizes me.

I made my way to the corner of the library that kept the archives and pulled out a pile of old newspaper cuttings. I brought the pile of newspaper cuttings to an empty table and sat down. There should definitely be articles about them since they should be rich because of the whole black market business thing.

After scanning through the old newspapers for over two hours, my tired eyes came across a picture of a small family consisting of parents and an only son. Upon closer inspection, I realized that the son was none other than Zac. Below the picture, there was a caption.

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