"Order of the Phoenix."
When Hogwarts becomes an unsafe place, Cassiopeia Tonks learns that if there's going to be a real war, she'd rather fight knowing she can make a difference rather than turning a blind eye to the situation.
Cassiopeia was the...
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CASSIOPEIA TONKS WASsomewhat of a mystery, she was very different from her family yet very much the same. Unlike her sister, she was in Gryffindor and she was rightly placed.
Ever since Cassiopeia was little she had very light hair and was a beauty, Andromeda had often said she was more veela than anything, although there hadn't been a Veela in their family for generations. Most of Andromeda's relatives had dark hair and were successful in the dark arts, but then again her sisters son, Draco Malfoy had practically white hair.
Andromeda and her daughters had been disowned by her own family, not only because she fell in love with a muggle-born but beacaue both of her children weren't in Slytherin.
Cassiopeia wasn't the first in her family to be sorted into Gryffindor, her cousin Sirius Black was also sorted into Gryffindor although he was imprisoned in Azkaban, wrongly accused of murder and then killed by his other cousin. To say the least, Andromeda was pleased that she had no ties with her family other than blood.
Sirius Black was the only good in the family, Andromeda loved him very much because she saw how loyal he was when he had the chance. It was no surprise that her own daughter would make it into Hufflepuff, she was so much like Sirius it was bound to happen.
Nymphadora and Cassiopeia got along very well, although, Nymphadora didn't fall in love with the Weasley boy like her sister did, even if Cassiopeia was in complete denial.
The wizarding war was in complete chaos, the war was only starting, and Cassiopeia still had to face her biggest fear.