Cassiopeia stared at Moody for what seemed like a while.
"Joining the order? Wasn't it you who told me that I was just a little girl who didn't understand the bigger problems?" Cassiopeia asked him.
"We need more people, Lupin has agreed to train you, while Sirius insisted on training Rosalie himself."
"No offense, but how am I supposed to learn form someone who can't leave the house? How am I supposed to train if-" there was a loud boring sigh coming from the other side of the room.
"I'm sorry, do you have a problem?" Rosalie snapped in Elara's direction.
"Patty is going to train you mentally, I'm going to train you out there kiddo, it's a win win situation, you aren't gonna find better than us."
"You might, but they're already dead." Moody snarled.
"Nymphadora and Lupin will be training you Little Tonks, Elara and myself will be training Rosalie. We need you in the order as of right now."
"Why? What's happened?"
"Potter and Voldemort have a connection, you two both have a connection to to him it would be stupid not to have all three of you on one side. If you're anything like your sister, this isn't a mistake."
"When do we start?" Rosalie asked smiling and that's where Sirius' frown began to show.
"What?" They both asked him.
"You need to have Outstanding on all your N.E.W.Ts and O.W.Ls."
"Then Snivellus is somewhat useful." Elara spoke smirking as she saw the look on Sirius' face, and he wasn't happy.
Remus and Cassiopeia had been studying for the last five hours, of course he knew most of the spells but considering the fact that Cassiopeia got expelled half way through her sixth year, she still had a lot of catching up to do but there was a burning question she had to ask him and she didn't want to come across as inconsiderate.
"Um, Professor Lupin?" Cassiopeia asked as she put the book down and looked at him.
"You know, you can call me by my first name."
"Uh. . Remus, I have a question." He laughed at how awkward she suddenly became.
"What? What's so funny?"
"Nothing," Remus chuckled, "You remind me so much of your mother." With those words Cassiopeia went silent, her mother hadn't written or even visited her for a very long time, nor her father, Cassiopeia always felt a bit guilty, never telling them the truth about Tom was enough to make her skin crawl.
'What did you want to ask?"
"I was wondering about making a potion for people who suffer during full moons, and I don't just mean werewolves or mermaids, Anything that gets hurt by the moon's phases. Do you think it's possible?" She asked him and he smiled softly.
"I've learnt over the years anything is possible, we can time travel, we can go from place to place in a matter of seconds, magic is good, but some monsters are meant to be monsters." Cassiopeia frowned.
"You're not a monster, you're a werewolf. I've met monsters, and you're nothing like them. You're kind and generous, my sister wouldn't have fallen for a monster." She told him and he looked up surprised.
"Nymphadora?" Remus asked her quickly.
"How dense are you, Professor? She likes you and I know you like her. I've seen the way you look at her, don't worry she looks at you the same way."
"I'm too old for her." Cassiopeia sighed deeply.
"If James were here he'd tell you that you are being a git right now. The age isn't what's bothering you, Sirius told me that they turned into Animagi for you, because they knew they could help, don't you think Tonks would do the same thing if you asked? I know it doesn't seem like we don't talk much, but that's because we don't have to. I already know her well enough to know she's head over heels with you. Besides, if your worried about her being too young for you, she could always morph into an old lady, I'm sure she wouldn't mind." Remus looked at her and he wasn't sure if he should roll his eyes or laugh.
"You two will send me to an early grave." He hummed to himself.
"If any of us dies soon, it would probably be me. I would rather die then let someone I care about go in my place."
"That's why we need people like you in the Order."
"Well Professor, I'll die for you anyday, just promise me one thing, will you?"
"What's that?"
"If something happens to me, make sure Tonks, Fred and George are okay, Pasty too. I know he doesn't get out much."
"You really care about him don't you?"
"I care about everyone, Professor, and it worries me how I haven't lost anyone yet."

Fanfiction"Order of the Phoenix." When Hogwarts becomes an unsafe place, Cassiopeia Tonks learns that if there's going to be a real war, she'd rather fight knowing she can make a difference rather than turning a blind eye to the situation. Cassiopeia was the...