Forty One

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Cassiopeia Tonks knew a great deal about life, in her young age she had seen dark secrets of monstrous people and she had lived in the most darkest place in her mind, but nothing could've prepared her for what was about to come in those couple of hours, she was about to lose her best friend and she didn't even know it.

Harry Potter was a brave boy, he truly was, but what happened on this night was done carelessly and the thing that terrified Cassiopeia the most happened, she had lost someone she loved, someone she pictured as an older brother or fun drunk uncle, she never thought out of everyone she could've lost that night— that she'd have to say goodbye to Sirius Black.

A disturbance in the house caused Remus and Cassiopeia to run downstairs with their wands out, Rosalie standing beside her nervously as she held onto her new wand that Elara had collected from her not too long ago, the painting of Sirius Blacks great great grandfather alerted the order on what occurred inside the ministry that evening and despite all that happened, he was never deemed a free man.

"What's going on?" Cassiopeia asked as her sister showed up with the other members of the order.

"Harry broke into the ministry, thinking Sirius was being harmed, are you ready for your first mission?"

"Hell yeah" Cassiopeia grabbed Remus and Sirius' hand and suddenly they were in a mist of a battle, death eaters everywhere and her friends. She was glad Fred and George weren't there but she went straight to protecting Ronald, the youngest male weasley who seemed out of sorts, Ginny was limping and Cassiopeia grabbed her hand.

"Come on you two! Get the others and go! Ginny go find Harry, take Ron and the others go!" Spells were flying in every direction and death eaters were in plain sight, the order started to arrive one by one.

"SIRIUS! Look out!" Cassiopeia shouted as she ran over to him to help block him and Harry from a killing curse fired by Bellatrix Lestrange.

"Oh! You've come to play?! How's my dear sissy? You filthy half blood!!" Cassiopeia could hear Sirius and Harry talking.

"Expeliarmus!" Harry shouted, grinning at Sirius as he did so.

"Nice one, James!" —

"Reducto!" Cassiopeia shouted towards the wall behind Bellatrix hoping she'd fall off the end and get crushed by the rubble.

"Sissy knows how to play!"

"Come on Bella! fight me!" Cassiopeia taunted—"Protengo!"

"Is that the best you can do Bellatrix? Your master would be so disappointed!" Sirius Black mocked with a massive grin smirking at Cassiopeia, they were now back to back and She could see Harry and Remus on the other side of them, Rosalie was in the distance with Elara and Luna it seemed the universe had paired them up equally.

Cassiopeia was busy covering Harry when all of a sudden she heard —

"Avada Kedavera!" Instantly knowing who had been hit by the killing curse, Cassiopeia turned around quickly to catch his body, but it never fell in her arms, he floated into the arch way with a small smile plastered on his face.

"S-Sirius?" Cassiopeia asked quickly, expecting him to come back and come up with a shitty joke or something. "Sirius?!" She asked frantically and she She new she was too late, she could hear Harry's screams of agony as he lost the only family he had left, and the pain sank further and further into Cassiopeia almost like as more time went on the more pain she could feel, it was like a thousand cruciatus curses had all overpowered her at once, it felt like she was dying and nothing she could do could fix that, the silhouette of Sirius' body still lingered in the arch way and Cassiopeia didn't want to believe that he was gone, he couldn't leave, not now.

"I killed Sirius Black!!" Before Cassiopeia could do anything Harry had beaten her to it, running after the woman who killed his only family left, but all Cassiopeia could do was stare at the arch way hoping he'd come back, it's like she had forgotten how to breathe, almost as if she had died with him too. But he's not dead, he can't be, he can't be dead, he promised. He promised.

Cassiopeia could feel the cold floor beneath her, she could feel the spells flying above her, she could hear her own heartbeat.

"Cassie!" Nymphadora shouted as she ran to her sister who hadn't moved an inch since Sirius' death, which only seems seconds ago but in reality the ministry had already arrived and she was the last one on the the grounds.

"We have to go."

"But— we can't leave S-Sirius! Harry has to say goodbye! We have to say goodbye! Sirius has to come back! We have to say goodbye — he's not coming back — I have to wait, he promised he promised he'll come back!"

"Cassiopei-" Nymphadora spoke softly


"He's safe now, he's with James and Lily, remember? He's okay now Cassie, he's safe." The girl broke down crying in her sisters arms, Sirius had been the only company she had had in that horrible house of his, knew her deepest secrets and what it was like to live with Tom, he was like an older brother whom she cared for, and it felt like her heart had been ripped out her chest and fed to dementors.

Sirius Black was dead and the real war had begun.

Exactly like last time.


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